I shouldn't be allowed out of the house...

David, Tristan and I went to: Gene de Chene, Alias, GR2, Giant Robot and Borders yesterday. Oops, and Paper Source in Beverly Hills. I found goodies at GR, GR2, Borders and Paper Source. It seems like a lot of the used bookstores are saving the good stuff and putting it on the web. *sigh* Disappointing...

Here's what I found from GR and GR2-

I tried to find this online but couldn't. GR had it for $14. It's called Pict booklet vol. 02 It reminds me of the Paumes books that I can't read but love for the eye candy reasons...
I did find a copy of Thomas Campbell's Sing Ding Aling and love it...
At GR2, I found Marcel Dzama's The Berlin Years. I don't care about the prints. It's the "scrapbook" I lusted after. Yum. GR2 had several copies of it for cover price. Don't buy it from amazon-too expensive!!
Inside the scrapbook-
Somehow, this has been out a month and I totally overlooked it until last night-
Borders also had a copy of Angela Cartwright's Mixed Emulsions. Yum. I totally had forgotten that I gave her art for the inside-so that was a nice surprise!! There's lots of info in here and it's a good companion to Karen Michel's book. Each stands it's own and both are definitely worth having.

That's it. I won't be going out of the house again unless it's to the park (Free) any time soon!! ;)

Someone left a comment recently on this blog after I had posted about apartment life. To that person and to others who think like her-how would you like to live in an apartment where one of your "neighbors" constantly loved to harass you-sitting out in front (in the "common areas") smoking AND SPITTING on the stairs. Yes, spitting in a public place. The same person who loves to leave his trash sitting outside openly for DAYS on end leaving the hall to reek a horrid stench. The same person who tried to push your husband down the stairs (hubby is a good foot-maybe 2 feet taller then this guy) after calling you the one word that a woman should never be called ("see you next Tuesday!"). How would you feel if you lived in the same apartment for 12 years and he moved in only a couple of years ago and is making your life hell? How would you feel if you moved into this apartment right before they changed the rent control laws? How would you feel if you could not afford to move as the rent doubles, triples and quadruples around you? Put yourself in my shoes. My life is not a drama. It's real. It's like everyone else's-it has it's ups and downs. You know what? There's now an empty apartment between us and our "favorite neighbor". Why don't you move in there for a week and see how it is? I'm writing this while our fan is on full blast pointed at the front door trying to blow away the smoke smell. I'm writing this after hearing the neighbor walk out and "huck a loogie" on the stairs. I'm writing this after I use cold water instead of hot to do the dishes because if I turn the hot water on in the kitchen it comes out an orange brown. Yup. You may call it drama. I call it real life.

(just so you know the bottom box has been in the hall for two weeks. The top box has been in the hall for "only" a week. The trash has been out there since Sunday...what you don't see in the picture are the flies, the cigarette butts and ashes and the spit...)


Anonymous said…
Judy Wise said…
OMG with the horrible neighbors, Kelly. As much of a pacifist as I am, when I see someone spitting on the ground I want to smack them. That is just the ugliest thing next to the ciggie smoke and stinky hall garbage. It's not like it's something you can easily avoid. Unenlightened people really can make our lives miserable. And you deserve better. >:-(
Anonymous said…
Yuck! I'm an apartment dweller with crappy neighbors of my own, so you have my sympathies. None of them leave trash in the hallway, though, unless you count the young man who was sleeping out there a few nights ago.

Anyway, concerning the lovely commenter on your other post--she can afford to dismiss your life as drama because it's not her life. It must be nice to be so sheltered that she doesn't realize how hellish a bad neighbor could make her life.
celeste said…
i love your blog. i love the honesty of it all. leslie is clearly someone a little off, and likely has had everything handed to her throughout life. renting is such an uncomfortable situation much of the time, little security. i'm glad you have rent control and hope that you & your family are able to make a change someday and move to a part of the country where you can buy. in the meantime, stay strong and continue your posts and *most*beautiful*art.

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