Home again home again...jiggity jig!

Got home about 10:15 last night from Stampers Warehouse in Danville (yes, Connie, one eye on the rear view mirror and slow down near overpasses...). It was AWESOME as always!!! It was so much fun and I love seeing the SW gang-Georgia, Terrece and everyone!!! I had a GREAT time in classes with Arlene, Libby, Connie, Vivian, Dana, Alix, Kathy, Shoshanah, Julie, Gaylynne and EVERYONE!!! It was an AWESOME weekend. I took some pictures too-

Here's the journal I showed you guys the other day-I finished it Thursday night in the hotel-
I LOVE No CA-look FALL! I was in Heaven...

Photos from Sunday's class-lots of busy bees!!

Hey Look! A future Olympic Gold Medal Winner-one of my favorite monkeys DANA! She ROCKS. I'm kicking myself that I did not get to take a picture of her MONKEY journal. She collects all things monkey! Not only is she an extremely talented gymnist but she is also is an extremely talented artist.

Some more stuff from this weekend (more to come)-
I'll try to remember to take pictures of the goodies I bought. I left some of my paycheck in the store ;) I loaded up on PAPER (oooh new basic grey), a new BAG (don't tell my husband)-it's going to be a "journal bag", a couple of stamps, two art bin flat boxes for my stamps when I teach...I was good (kinda).

I'll be back there in February (June and October as well) and am already counting the days down...THANKS Everyone!!!!


T2 said…
Welcome back! I miss the folks at SW. How's Terrece doing? She's one of my favorite peoples.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hey Terry!

Terrece is doing great! Everyone was wonderful-as always. I Just LOVE teaching there!! It's always been one of my most favorite places.
I saw Phyllis in August at Art Unraveled and she seems to be doing well. I miss seeing her in the store though! I do love Georgia & Terrece as well! They are a hoot!
You guys should take a trek up there one of these days and check out the new store!!
BellaKarma said…
Love the journal page below Dana; although she is quite lovely too. :)

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