Three New Journal Pages-Two about the "old" and "new" cars...

It's a lovely Saturday morning except for the little fact that our landlords are harassing us again (I hate these bastards!!)...Life is being made "wonderful" because one evil tenant with talons wants a parking space. We just found out that we are probably the only ones who have been paying $20 a month for the past 12+ years for a parking space. This evil tenant is the same person responsible for the landlord and the city removing the one tree that provided shade (hence and a little weather relief) for the building. Needless to say, I am not happy.

Three new journal pages done within the last 24 hours. Can y'all tell I am in love with Hambly rub ons (I bought these at Zinnia the other day). The page below talks about how worried I am that the damn government and news media are beating the drums for war against Iran-the damn drum beats keep getting louder and louder. When will it ever stop?

Yup. That's me courtesy of David's wonderful photo taking ability getting ready to drive our '92 Toyota Tercel out of the drive way for the last time *sob*. This was the car that David picked me up at LAX for the first time in wayyy back Christmas '95. This was the car that we drove to San Pedro to get married in, a week later. This was the car that we drove to and from the hospital when Tristan was born. This was the car we had our first fight in (not that we've had too many of those). This was the car I schlepped all over So CA to teach workshops in from Ventura to San Diego to Lake Elsinore and everywhere in between!
You can get a glimpse of the "new" (6 years old) green car in the picture. Anyone else notice that our cars are Christmas colors?

I'm teaching at The Art Bar tomorrow from 12:30 to 5:30 so if I'm a wee bit late on updating the blog... y'all know where I am ;)


Debbie Bick said…
Hi Kelly cool pages...
Heh go take a look at my new blog
i linked you...classes are starting to fill so see you in a few weeks
Unknown said…
Hi Kelly! The link to Hambly didn't work; Hambly rub-ons are at
I'm going to ask Jennifer to carry them; not that there's any room at the store to put them out! We don't have very many rub-ons at the store, but these look like a good start.
Diane Chen

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