Some journal page art

Some pages of art that I did while I was at Frenzy Stamper this weekend:Girl with rose grenade from Shepherd Fairey ad in Juxtapoz magazine.
Butterfly woman image is a Greg Spalenka image.
Someone's got good taste. One of my birthday presents from Paper Studio in AZ-

I had a quiet birthday. Couldn't (can't) do much 'cause of my arm/shoulder/back. My sister thinks it's a pinched nerve. I don't know what it is, I do know I'm in a lot of pain and not happy. I'll post pictures maybe tomorrow of the books and presents that David & Tristan gave me-some cool books and an ultra cute piggie bank from my munchkin!!


OMG this book looks COOL.


Take It Easy Studio said…
Happy Birthday, Kelly!
Suzi "tagged" me and as I am new to this blogging thing and know so few bloggers...I am tagging you...hope you don't mind.
~jolene said…
You know that string of expletives you scream when you see something you really REALLY dig? Well, that's what just happened when I saw these three pages you created!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Hope you get better soon, love these pages.
hope your pinched nerve goes away soon! I love your blog and am going to book mark you!