Sick and tired

Not whining. Not complaining. Maybe bitching, but just a little. We're all sick. We've all been sick-Tristan got sick Thursday night and was out Friday & Monday. David and I thought we wouldn't get sick and-surprise!-we both woke up feeling like a freight train ran over us on Sunday. I still taught (as I wasn't feeling as bad as Tristan sounded...and it was too late to cancel...). Class went well at The Art Bar but by night time, I was ready for bed. Both David and I were so icky that when the alarm went off on Monday to take Tristan to school, David hit the off button and went back to bed (He NEVER does that) as Tristan coughed his head off in the next room. Now it's Wednesday and I feel about 10% better but still am in need of R & R. Ugh. Soooo, this is why my blog posts have been photos mostly the last couple of days.

I got tired of being in bed so I'd sit on the floor in my pjs and work in my journal pages-
Started this one last night-


Did I tell y'all that I have several out of area mixed media art classes (workshops) coming up soon? Next weekend, I will be at Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale, AZ teaching FIVE mixed media art journaling, collage, bookbinding, acrylic painting and oh so much more fun filled workshops at Debbie's store! I'm REALLY looking forward to it!! THEN, the first weekend in November I am trekking back up to another store that I love to go to-Stampers Warehouse in Danville, CA. THEN, I am 'local' with classes throughout November (please check my website and my L.A. Yahoo group for more info) and most of December until we hit the East Coast! I will be teaching several NEW mixed media, art journaling and collage workshops in the MA area at The Stamp Act in Marshfield, MA and Ink About it in Westford, MA. Ink About It is a new store for me and I'm looking forward to teaching there. Y'all know how much I LOVE the Stamp Act-it's just like going home...Hope to see some of you there!!!

For now, if anyone wants to get ahold of me, I'll be in bed 'til the weekend...Gotta teach this weekend (Saturday at Zinnia in South Pasadena and Sunday at Stampin' From The Heart in L.A.)


Anonymous said…
Hope you're feeling better !!!

Love your new works, very beautiful as always :)


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