I believe in Frida and another new page...

From Saturday night-I paraphrased a quote from Diego Rivera where he says "I don't believe in God, but I believe in Picasso." So, I altered it a little.

No wheres near done with this page yet-


Kate Robertson said…
I love the Frida page... I have been reading your blog for awhile, I don't think I have commented till now. I love to see all the wonderful art you do. Its so inspiring.

~jolene said…
I cannot even express how much I LOVE this Frida page!!!!! ::GASP::
sf said…
Sorry about all the car s***!
Nice pages, as usual though.
I had the weirdest dream about Frida (all things considered) as MY driver!! Oooh ego, much??
Also, I tagged you. You must read my blog to see about what.

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