Home again...home again...

Had a most awesome time *as always* teaching at Debbie's store, Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale. I always have a great time with Debbie and the gang. It was great seeing some old friends meeting some new ones, as well (Gwen, we missed you)!!! I'll have to take some pictures of the fun, new "toys" I bought from Debbie. I left some of my paycheck behind in the store (LOL). I couldn't help it-she's got the coolest stuff!!! I'm REALLY looking forward to the visit there in January!!! :)
These are pictures from Sunday's Graffito book class. We had a lot of fun flinging paint, doodling with pens and just making an all around fun art filled book. Debbie, don't forget! I need more of those Coffee Break Design Stencils-oh Yum oh Yum. $2 of pure joy. I was overwhelmed with all of the new Judikins rubber stamps. GORGEOUS backgrounds.
Look who visited us at the hotel-Bunnicula!!! I wanted to scoop him up and take him home. Of course, he didn't have glowing red eyes in real life. Tristan was just enthralled with him.

More later. I just wanted to give y'all a shout out that I'm home, safe and sound. Driving back from Scottsdale was not fun with the horrible winds and sand storms. I floored it by the tractor trailer trucks scared that they might turn over.

Huge huge thanks again to Debbie & the Gang for an awesome weekend!!!! I'm home now teaching locally (Stamp Addict in San Diego & Paper Post in Agoura) until the first weekend in November when I trek to Stampers Warehouse for another fun-filled weekend of ART.

It's my last day of being 32!~LOL, all I want to do is to go lie down and take a nap. I'll be back with more later...got some art and some neat stuff to show you...


I love this clip.


Great reporting on Hollywood's portrayal of Arabs in media.


BellaKarma said…
Hey Kelly,
You might know how I blog a lot about Satan's bunnies (however, I eventually came to the conclusion they were Bunnicula's offspring). Anyways, I almost got 'em on videotape on Saturday night, however, the battery RAN OUT JUST AS I turned the camera on 'em!!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL, THAT was the cover I was looking for. I couldn't find the original on amazon. I *loved* Bunnicula when I was little.
Well, if the battery ran out, then that proves that they are Satan's Bunnies.
Shoshanah said…
happy birthday! whatcha gonna do?

i can't find coffee break design stencils anywhere...any clues? i can never actually see the products on the site, have emailed his several times, and even wrote a letter...and nothing. i think he hates me. and i so covet his products!
Anonymous said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KELLY!!! maija was telling me she had the greatest time in your taped journal class. i hope your birthday is amazing!!
BellaKarma said…
THAT is the cover from our "good ol' days!" (By the way, I'm enjoying the last 71 days of being 32!). I still have my original Bunnicula book, along with The Celery Stalks at Midnight and Howliday Inn (which, I believe, is my favorite). Marissa has read the newer stories, and I may read 'em this winter. In fact, I might reread a whole big box full of Children and YA books from my childhood. Then again, I was reading Mommy Dearest and the Flowers in the Attic series while in elementary school.

You better look into your San Diego class; mass evacuations are going on, and the county is in turmoil. I doubt much will be going on there for some time. If they are going ahead with the class, YAY, they will need the art therapy!

And yes, most definitely Satan bunnies. Even if the battery had not died, the vamps surely would not have shown up on camera...oh wait...that's mirrors...
~jolene said…
Happy Happy Birthday Kelly :)

love ya!
Anonymous said…
Happy BIRTHDAY Kelly...
thanks again for a great weekend..
havew fun hope all are feeling better..
nice bunny heeeeeeee..