Happy Halloween!

Tristan's D.I.Y. "Ben 10" Heatblast costume. He wore his red sweatshirt, black pants (couldn't find red pants) and we added a little yellow tape here and there. He taped up his bouncing ball so it would be yellow. Mom is insane and paid $30 for some stupid Ben 10 "Voice Changer" thingee complete with glasses (beats $50 for the Venom Spiderman costume he wanted). He was happy!
I took him to the We Ho Kids' Halloween Carnival. He played games for almost two hours and got "candy candy candy"....

He went on one whopping ride. I'm the bad Mom who stood in line with him to go on the ride (knowing I couldn't the way my back hurt) and just as he was next go to on, we spotted two friends from school who were just getting OFF the ride. SO, I made them line jump and take "my place".

Some Halloweenie Movies for your Liking (in no particular order)-

Evil Dead 2 (Bruce Campbell. Ted Raimi. Directed by Sam Raimi. Need I say any more?)

ANYTHING by Dario Argento-Suspiria, Inferno, Bird with the Crystal Plummage (do not eat before or while watching)

Black Sunday

Cemetery Man-I LOVE This film!!!

Lars Von Trier's The Kingdom (not the Stephen King shit)

The Uninvited

Twin Peaks (woo hoo-the whole series came out on DVD today)

American Gothic-Sam Raimi's tv series

Invaders from Mars

Day the Earth Stood Still

Chinese Ghost Story

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (first one)

Forbidden Planet

Night of the Demon


The Haunting (the ORIGINAL...none of that Hollywood crap they pass off nowadays as "good" HA!)

Any Universal Horror flick-c'mon, the classics-Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, etc...

Any Hammer Horror flick with Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing

Anything with Vincent Price (I LOVE Vincent Price...)

Cat People-original

Ed Wood


American Werewolf in London

Rosemary's Baby


The Shining

The Tenant

Plan 9 from Outer Space...oh, and what the hell, add Glen or Glenda! to the pile

Young Frankenstein

Dead Alive (holy crap, don't eat for 24 hours before or after this film)

Night of the Hunter (*shiver*)

Night Breed

The Fly -either one

The Birds

Practical Magic-was just fun!

King Kong-either one

Island of Lost Souls


Dead of Night (1945)


Peeping Tom

Let's Scare Jessica to Death

Black Cat

Old Dark House

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Most Dangerous Game

Murders in the Rue Morgue-1932

The Beast with Five Fingers


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

WHat!??! No Zombie films!?!? I hate hate hate zombie films...they FREAK me out. As Clive Barker once said "You might be able to bargain with Dracula...but you can't bargain with a zombie..."

For the kid in me-

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

Mad Monster Party!

Fat Albert's Halloween

Garfield in Disguise

Patty has a cool list here. Onibaba is awesome!!

What are your favorites?

Music to listen to? Oingo Boingo of course!

Happy Halloween...and remember, please save some candy for me (milk chocolate or reese's, please).


Alix said…
From Hell
Sleepy Hollow

Hmmm, there's something those movies have in common, but I just can't remember what...

I'd say Night of the Comet but (a) it has zombies and (b) I really think of that more as a Christmas film, LOL!

Happy Halloween!
Adriane Giberson said…
Hey... what about Hellraiser???

Happy Halloweenie!
Adriane :)
~jolene said…
I just want to say....Tristan you ROCK in your Ben 10 costume! I bet the Voice Changer is FUN...wish I had one ;-)
Auntie Karen said…
Dude, Cemetery Man is one of the best zombie movies out there. I Love Zombies! But I like me some slow zombies, not fast zombies. Slow zombies are much creepier.
Have you ever seen El Dia De La Bestia? (Day of the Beast) That's a good horror film by Alex De La Inglesia from Spain. You seem like a girl unafraid of subtitles.
Who's Ben 10?
Sherri and Ellee said…
We have to watch Hocus Pocus every year!
Have a Happy Halloween.....