Some stuff I've been up to:

Frida, Patron Saint of All Artists:

(still in Progress):


After (so far):
(Circle Stamps are from Paperbag Studios. Aren't they cool??)

Usually my journal is a place of comfort. The last (almost) two weeks I have had a hard time working in it or wanting to do anything creative since my Aunt's death. The last couple of days I have been trying to get back into the habit. I did write a page (or two) but haven't done what I am itching to do-I can feel it in my bones it just isn't ready to come out yet.

Spent most of the day with my family (what else is new? LOL). Caught up for a wee bit with my friend Kara at the Farmer's Market-that was nice. She even gifted me with a copy of one of the zines that she did for a recent amazing zine swap-hers ROCKS!! Took Tristan to the Big Box Bookstore to find two books he was looking for (he scored with one-Mom was good-no books though I did buy a Boston Moleskin. I have plans for it). Went to Pulp and was greeted with a big smile and "You found some paper didn't you, you paper whore you!!" LOL Cracks me up. I needed the smile.


Hey, check out these lucky artists that all got to go to Greece with the one, the only Juliana Coles and Lou Ann Granger. How cool is that?


Anita Roddick, sadly, has died. In addition to her line of cruelty free beauty products (a.k.a. The Body Shop) you can view more of what she stood for here and here.

And, just something that I suspect is a wee bit important but goes unreported:

Um, make sure you catch this news (courtesy of ARCTIC ICE CAP RAPIDLY VANISHING Arctic ice continues to melt at unprecedented rates. In the last 6 days alone, the north pole lost 69,000 square miles of sea ice. That's roughly equal in size to state of Florida. Arctic sea ice this year is already far below it's previous low record set in 2005 and further melting is expected before the end of the summer. Scientists blame human-caused global warming for the record loss of ice. White sea ice helps to reflect some of the sun's energy. Without it, ocean waters will absorb more heat, thereby accelerating the process of global warming.


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