News at 11-Woman shoots laser printer

As mentioned in our top story, a frazzled, distraught redheaded woman has shot her brand new laser printer. When asked "Why would she do such a thing?" The unkempt woman, still in her pajamas and bathrobe yelled "If you were on your third laser printer in a month and were still having problems, you'd do the same damn thing!" Her husband and son could not be reached for comments.


As the woman was being taken away by police in handcuffs screaming and shouting, the laser printer spit something out at her 15 minutes after she pressed the "print button". Her last remarks were known to be "I told you the damn printer was possessed!!"


Anonymous said…
Bad printer karma....

Hang in there.. eventually you'll buy your way to a printer that DOES work.
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL, it works. It prints BEAUTIFULLY.
It just prints whenever the hell it feels like it.
Anne said…
So, what's the problem? Just because you got a lovely piece of equipment with a little bit of personality ... rofl

Mine has a long delay before it starts printing also. I think it's collecting information and deciding if it's fit to be printed. lol
Maija said…
You are soooo flipping funny, Kelly! I can really see this in my mind's eyeand it cracking me up!!
Thanks for the giggle..
&rew said…
LOL! Thanks for the news tidbit - I needed a good laugh!

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