More of what I did this weekend (actually, what I did Sunday):I love the fall colored tights-I might have to go get a pair...

The tree page on the right isn't anywheres near done but I started it late last night...
My ramblings on journaling and why I do it...and why I think others should too:
Ding Dong! What's that? The mail lady is here with TWO packages for me?? TWO? It's not even my birthday yet...two packages for ME? Ya sure? I'm totally blaming Tammie for one of them...because of Tammie I ordered Julie Arkell's book and I *love* it. Taylor, you are going to want this one. It's like the small books one would buy from Paumes or Kinokuniya but guess what, this one is in English! Hurray!

Hmm...what's the other package? OMG OMG OMG. PAPER from The Paper Studio. Can you see me doing my happy dance? Four 6 x 6" Basic Grey Papers and several parent size sheets of Pure Joy and Bliss. Doesn't take much to make me happy. I'll try to take pictures of everything later gater and post it to the blog tomorrow!

Hi ho hi ho, it's off to shower and clean the car I Go...or at least, get ready to go out and then attempt to start to clean the car before the temperatures shoot up again this week. UGH.


Dawn. said…
I absolutely love your truth written across the beautiful pages! Such inspiration :) Xo
Taylor schapiro said…
Ha- I have had the Julie Arkel book for months. I love her.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Yay! A book you bought before me LOL
Butttttttt how come you didn't tell me about it? LOL

I *LOVE* This book.
Anonymous said…
Very creative. I love your journal pages.