Mini Book Review:

Mini? Why "Mini"? Well, "mini" because in the past month, I have bought a slew (?), plethora (?), ton (?), shitload (?), overabundance (?), call the men with the little white jackets 'cause I've gone ape ca ca for more books then I actually have room for!! Let's start with one of the main jewels in the pile o' books:

Ricë Freeman-Zachery's Living the Creative Life:

Jewel? Gem? Whatever you want to call it, it's a Must Have for any creative soul. It's not a "how to". It's not "technique" driven. It's not one of those books that you flip through a few times and say "oh, that was good but why did I buy it?" Nosireebob. It is a treasure. It's one of those books that you curl up with often and actually delve into. It's one of those rare books that you will keep on your bookshelf for, oh, forever, and go through it again and again and again.

Ricë gets into the hearts, minds, souls and studios of 15 artists in all forms of "mixed" media: bookbinding, jewelry making, journaling, fabric art, assemblage, collage, puppets and so much more. The book is also chock full of soul nuggets-little bits of inspiration gleaned from the various artists. I love the "Try This" sections that entice, nudge and give your muse a big ol' boot and get you moving to the studio. I've had the book for several weeks now and I can honestly tell you it hasn't left my bedside yet-in fact, it's still on the top of the pile!

Holly Harrison's Mixed Media Collage:
I have been eyeing this title, ok, more like stalking this book since I first found out about it. I was ecstatic (after many a trip to the bookstore) to finally find it sitting on the shelf. I picked it up and flipped through it. Hmmm...I flipped through it again. I *almost* didn't buy it. Why? Well, in all honesty, because some of the artwork in it I've already seen-and I'm getting kinda tired of it (I'm just being honest!!) Yet, what did make me buy it? The amount of fresh and new artwork -the quality of it-the enticement of it-that made my heart take a little leap! OK, I succumbed. Another complaint? Dorit Elisha should have had a whole chapter. I am waiting for her book. Ditto on the whole chapter thing: Keith Maddy, Jane Maxwell, Tracy Spadafora to name a few other artists who should have had more work in the book.

I'm getting tired of technique books and how to books. I think it's just me though 'cause it's not a complaint I hear from too many other artists souls. I like eye candy-pictures-and then little in depth blurbs about the artist and their process (how they think and why they do the things that they do)...I love books that focus on the artists, their studios and their art. I don't like technique driven books. I don't want to re-create what they make. I want to be able to look at the pictures and either enjoy it just for the sake of enjoying art or sometimes, I will glean things and say " can I take that idea and push the envelope?" Yet, that's just me. I'm digressing!

The BOOK-yes, the book is a must have. Most of you guys know that I am big on the fact that there are thousands of new and different ways to "Make art" and "do things" and this book shows you several new and fresh ideas on collageing. I love the "in the studio" sections of the book that have two page, in depth interviews with the artists about "why they do the things they do". I would pay big bucks for a book full of just art and more "in the studio" type interviews. All in all, two thumbs up!

File under one of the reasons people probably take my name off of their "blog roll" or "favorite places to read" list 'cause I "open my mouth too much". Ce La Vie.

For today's files- one of the reasons I'm ashamed to live in CA (US?)...just read the last sentence!

From today's Democracy Now:

Schwarzenegger Vetoes Troop Withdrawal Vote on State Ballot
In California, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed a measure that would have allowed Californians to vote on whether to call for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq. The question would have gone on the presidential primary ballot in February of next year. Schwarzenegger says he issued the veto because the voting would divide Californians.

Read more here.

Me: Um? Isn't that what most elections do? "Divide" the public-ask them to choose between Asshole Candidate A and Asshole Candidate B. Is this America 2007 or Germany 1935?


How One Woman Spent September 11th, 2001-view the video here.


Anonymous said…
I agree with you - the book is a good one.
It's a nice size, good paper, pretty pictures and it provides questions to ask yourself (which is good for a beginner with low creativity ideas like me!)
Anonymous said…
Kelly- I had to laugh- I just got those two books- glad I did- I like them both for similar reasons- The Creative Life is so refreshing to read about other artists journeys, thoughts and process. The collage one was different in approach as well- not just another collage book- I like how she focused on a few in depth (I too question some of the choices) But even the how to wasn't really your usual hey all make one just like this. Terry Garrett
Judy Wise said…
Kelly,I love your blog. The way it sounds just like you talking. Saying slew, plethora and shitload ... it's always like having a girlfriend right by my side cracking me up. Thanks for the book reports. I may have to dig out the old credit card. ((hug))

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