I have to clean out my Toyota (yup, the red one)...and this is how I feel:

or maybe it's more like this:












Has anyone ever heard of a car cleaning party? You know. You invite a group of friends over and they help. Why am I bitching so much? Well some of you have seen my trunk and know what it looks like. I do not want the "new" (used) car to look at all like this. I have a ton of class stuff in the trunk (ton is an understatement). ACK. What do I do? Toss? Keep? What? UGH. The whole idea of having to do this is just overwhelming. I'm not bitching or whining. I'm just stating a fact. It's overwhelming. I told David I'd buy him a DVD if he did it. I want to tell my sister I'll fly her out (on credit of course! :P) if she'll do it. I wish I could wait until October and maybe my Mom would help me. I want to be like Samantha in Bewitched and just twitch my nose. What I think I really want is just the company-someone to make me laugh-while I dig deep into my trunk and get rid of crap that hasn't seen the light of day in ages...UGH UGH UGH. I should just wait til Tristan gets home and have him help...or at least talk to me. He'll talk my ear off.

This is my Vail, CO doggie that will be moving from our Red Toyota to our Green Toyota. Hey, Christmas colors!


The 6th Annual Edward Gorey Auction (Goreyfest and Alphabet Auction) has started!! I told David I wouldn't mind some of Edward's jewelry for my (upcoming) birthday. (I know the pieces will go for a small fortune that I can't afford but I can dream, right?) They gave me a slip to donate artwork but between losing my Aunt and traveling to teach, life has been crazy! Hopefully I can do it next year!!

I am still looking for a copy of Tom Judd's Everyday. In the meantime, he's starting work on Volume 2.


Linda & Karen's Journal Revolution is out! I have not seen it *yet* but Linda said she received copies of it-woo hoo!

What new books have graced your shelf recently? Thanks to "Jane", I mean Taylor, I am reading The History of Love. Two thumbs up so far. Anything Taylor recommends, I usually make a beeline for it. I ordered two books (used) from Amazon the other day. I'll letcha know about those when they arrive. I also ordered a book from far away...I am on pins and needles waiting for that one. It's madness, I tells ya, pure madness!

OK I'm off to go make some more excuses for not cleaning my car out.


Alix said…
Kelly, I wished I lived closer, because I'd help you do the trunk. That's my kind of thing! But as much as I love you, I'm not going to drive 300+ miles. What a fair-weather friend I am, eh? LOL!
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL, The scary thing is-if my Toyota would make it the 300+ miles to YOUR house, I'd drive up there for a visit LOL!!! ;) I'll be up in your area next weekend!
It's after 4 and I'm just thinking about the thought of cleaning the trunk.
I need to learn how to spell MOTIVATION.
LOL ;)
Taylor schapiro said…
Okay I will clean your car and sing songs while I do it if: A) You fly me out there-( I'm closer than your sister) and B) Let me alone with your books.