Bye bye to summer. I don't want to say it, but it's true. School started yesterday. The boy isn't happy about it and to tell you the truth, neither am I. Days go by too fast. I want a Do Over every now and then and this is one of those Do Over times. Pause. Rewind. Slow motion.


~jolene said…
I agree Kelly!
Where Did Summer Go?
I have to admit though, not having the crowds here at the beach is nice :)

I finally saw a copy of In This House tonight at the bookstore (I know I am slow...LOL!)...I quickly flipped through until I found your work and exclaimed rather loudly..."Yay Kelly!"
Judy Wise said…
Oh, I love that photograph of you and your boy. You are a great mom.
Kelly Kilmer said…
aww shucks....

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