Home again home again...well, for a couple of days!

Got home yesterday afternoon from Art Unraveled. What a BLAST it was. I swear, every year it gets better and better (and every year I wonder HOW that could happen when the previous year was a blast!!)

NO snafus with my classes or anything like that. The worst things that happened (let's get the bad stuff over with before I tempt and tease you with some amazing art):
My Dad had my sister's car looked over and all ready to go so that Erin could give me her car. Dad spent $700 to fix the gas tank (the ONLY thing wrong with the car-you have to hold the pump while you pump) and to make sure it was ready to go before he drove it out. He drove from Boston to either Tucson or Flagstaff (I can't remember where it was) before the engine blew. Somehow he managed to get it from there to Phoenix. It is now in a garage in Phoenix getting a new engine. Figured out that a new engine in MY car is $1400 less than what it is costing for my sister's car ($3000). *sigh*

David told me NOT to blog about this but just to make damn well sure he calls me again, I'm going to. Spoke to David several times on Monday. Last time I talked to him was about 9:15 or so Monday night. Phoned an hour later to ask him to do me a favor-busy signal. Weird, who is he talking to? Phoned several times between 10 and midnight-busy signal. OK, phone must be off the hook. Next day, got up and it was busy. He did not call me all day. Panic set in about noon when he didn't call. I phoned my landlord who gave me the building manager's number. Phoned building manager from about noon til 4 when I finally got a hold of them. Told manager that there was a chain in the door and that they have the key. Told manager that David would not answer the door if he was ok because of too many weird things in the past with people knocking on the door. 4:20 manager calls back and says I can't get in because there is a chain. DUH. Also says he shouted several times for David and no answer. BIG time panic sets in. 4:40 David calls me to tell me that someone tried to break into the apartment. I told him that since he wasn't dead then, I was going to kill him when I got home. He is the hubby who is very quiet...doesn't go out and works from home. For him not to answer or call me is extremely unusual. He thought I was teaching. MEN!!!!

EVERYTHING ELSE WAS frickin' amazing. AMAZING. I taught 5 of my own classes and I stepped into to fill some very talented shoes of the amazing Karen Michel. OMG! THAT was an experience. Karen is one of the most generous, talented and amazing artists souls on the planet. You must, must must, go out of your way to take a class with her. You will not be disappointed. Well, I had done painting over magazine/collage images on my own but never in a class. We started out learning various ranges of flesh tones and how to create them. We then went on to practice on magazine images before we attempted the real thing. Now I am eager to take Karen's class to see how SHE would have done it. The students did not disappoint. Their work was eye popping and just down right "go right home and hang them on the wall NOW". Here is a small sampling of the 24 students work I had in class:

Roben-Marie Smith...is she amazing or what? You guys need to check out her new line of stamps on September 6th. I can't wait!!

Kim Seistrup's beautiful work:

Karen Mandel's hauntingly beautiful pieces:

Michelle's luscious layers:
Tess' uniquely gorgeous purple undertones (WOW!):

Barbara's two painted beauties:

Graciela's stunningly beautiful watercolor like portraits:

Cynthia Anderson's lovely composition:

Joni's stunning work-one of my favorites is her portrait of the woman from Mexico on the top-the layers!!!

Rena's Warhol-esque colorful portraits:

Patti's two lovely ladies:

More to come soon...

I am unpacking and packing for my trip and my mixed media art journaling, collage, composition painting and bookbinding classes in Marshfield, MA and Gaithersburg, MD. Tristan and I leave Wednesday!

How many more days until Art Unraveled 2008?


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