I'm back...Guess where I went?

I've decided that I'm going to blog day by day of my experiences in No CA and spread the posts over the next few days. It was an AWESOME experience and I highly recommend workshops at Sanctuary Studio. Traci Bunkers will be there this month and you should JUMP on the chance!!

OK, let me back up a bit. Friday morning, David, Tristan and I trekked up to Hollywood Blvd and picked up my rental car for the weekend. I ended up leaving later then I wanted to (10:30 when I wanted to leave by 8 ish) so I was a bit frustrated and anxious. It's hard though when you've got to walk now everywhere and ya don't have a car at the moment (not whining just stating the obvious). SO I picked up our obligatory breakfast (bagels at the Bagel Broker on Beverly Blvd and Fairfax) and had to stop for my Tazo black (unsweetened) iced tea. The whole trek wasn't that bad. It took me about 5 hours to arrive in San Francisco. Traffic wasn't bad at all going up.

I arrived in the city and managed to get lost on the way to Flax. Luckily, I did realize that I was lost and with the help of the husband and mapquest, I managed to get the car pointed in the right direction and land in the parking lot of Flax. My friend, Muki, met me in the paper department where we instantly began our paper whore adventures. The two of us walked up and down the aisles together at first pointing out papers to each other but then our primal paper whore instincts took over when we realized it WAS 5 p.m and that Flax closed at 6-eeps! So, we went our separate ways and created our separate piles of paper. LOL It was a blast talking and comparing notes as we grabbed, pulled and pointed out paper that we, um, "needed". I won't tell you how much I spent BUT BUT BUT it was a LOT better then the first time I went there. I ONLY had time for the paper section so that was somewhat disappointing BUT BUT BUT it was enough for one adventure.

Next stop, Kinokuniya bookstore courtesy of Muki. I followed closely behind her in my car. She helped me to navigate the BOAT of a car that I was driving (remember, I am used to a 2 door Toyota Tercel everything else is huge) in the parking lot of Kinokuniya. Our first stop was the stationery store where I held back and only bought one piece of paper and four pens. Muki made me buy the pens (hee hee). They are cool glitter pens.

We trekked on over to the bookstore and my mouth dropped. They have a whole section of the paumes books that I have yet to see at the L.A. Kinokuniya. I dropped everything and sat on the floor for a bit going through each of the books (I will post photos separately of the books I bought in a post coming soon...). Muki pointed out various must have tomes and I flipped through each as fast as I could. I walked out with 4 books and a grin.

Muki & I ended our adventures a couple of doors down talking and munching on some amazing mac & cheese at a local restaurant. It was a ton of fun and Muki is sweet with a big heart!! Oh, not to mention talented. She showed me the mini moleskin she has been keeping and my jaw dropped. She said that it was inspired by me well she inspired me to go out and buy one Sunday night at Moe's to start my own mini moleskin...photos to come...

I drove to San Anselmo crossing over the Golden Gate Bridge. I'm not a big bridge fan myself but it was downright creepy crossing that puppy at 11 pm in the dark and fog...I focused straight ahead and kept the foot on the gas pedal. I stayed at the Four Points Sheraton in San Rafael. WOW. I Loved this hotel-nice, clean and ultra comfy. I am looking forward to my next stay there (oh it was cheap compared to some of the other places I had found though it was 20 minutes from Sanctuary Studio).

I checked into the hotel and promptly began folding and cutting my papers down. I called David and told him I felt like acting like Demi Moore and rolling around in the papers. He laughed and called me weird. I thought it was funny. The papers looked a lot cooler in person spread out over the bed.

Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow....


~jolene said…
When I saw that paper I wanted to lick the computer screen. LOL!! Am I sick or what?!?!?!

Can I just sit here hitting 'refresh' until your next segment appears? HA!

Sounds like Kelly Kilmer's Awesome NoCal Adventure so far :)
&rew said…
Oh! I am so jealous of you! That paper heaven of mine at Flax! I could nover have enough time there...


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