I went to bed with it (up til 2 a.m. last night with it):

I didn't wake up with it (the rental car needed to be returned and errands needed to be done first), though it was at arm's reach.
I spent 3 hours this afternoon with it. I am half way through with it.
Yet, the family doesn't understand why I don't want to be interrupted. The phone keeps ringing. I did make time to cut Tristan's hair before he complains about it being too long again for the gazillionth time. I guess I will make dinner...but off to spend more time with Harry first.
No art today, I am thinking at the moment. I'm too engrossed with Harry, Ron & Hermione!

OH! I am going to try to post from Comic Con! I don't know if I will be able to as it solely depends on computer access at the hotel...but I'm going to try!


Anonymous said…
Oh boy, do I know where you're coming from. Got my copy of HP Deathly Hollows on Saturday afternoon. Life is too busy and the loudest nagging wins out. Rats! What with the puppy, the husband, the goddaughter who was rearended last night and other eminent disasters, I just haven't gotten past the first 100 pages. Wahhhh. By the time I finally got to sit down I was so tired my eyes kept closing so I gave up and went to sleep. Haven't stepped foot in my art room either, but the brain doesn't stop thank god. There's lot's of creativity going on in the old subconscious but Harry, Ron and Hermione, the Wesley's and Tonk's adventures are prioritized up there with the major medical emergencies of the moment. Enjoy comic Con. Oh, did you see the review in the LA Times of Douglas Wolk's book Reading Comics? Great review and sounds like a terrific book! TTFN And Don't reveal the ending. I've been predicting (wishing) that Dumbledore is only magically dead and will somehow come back to life. I also wish that Snape was a good guy, which he would have to be to have Dumbledore not really dead for good. We will see... soon I hope. Enjoy!
Anonymous said…
Oh boy, do I know where you're coming from. Got my copy of HP Deathly Hollows on Saturday afternoon. Life is too busy and the loudest nagging wins out. Rats! What with the puppy, the husband, the goddaughter who was rearended last night and other eminent disasters, I just haven't gotten past the first 100 pages. Wahhhh. By the time I finally got to sit down I was so tired my eyes kept closing so I gave up and went to sleep. Haven't stepped foot in my art room either, but the brain doesn't stop thank god. There's lot's of creativity going on in the old subconscious but Harry, Ron and Hermione, the Wesley's amd Tonk's adventures are prioritized up there with the major medical emergencies of the moment. Enjoy comic Con. Oh, did you see the review in the LA Times of Douglas Wolk's book Reading Comics? Great review and sounds like a terrific book! TTFN And Don't reveal the ending. I've been predicting (wish) that Dumbledore is only magically dead and will somehow come back to life. I also wish that Snape was a good guy, which he would have to be to have Dumbledore not really dead for good. We will see... soon I hope.
Anonymous said…
How cool that you're going to comic con! I just got the new Potter book, but I haven't read the previous one yet, so I'm WAY behind! I hope no one spoils the new one for me before I can read it.
sf said…
I just finished it - thank God! now back to my own life!
I've got the same infatuation! And nobody understands whyyyyy...
Anonymous said…
I finished my copy yesterday and was in such a stupor for the rest of the day...I always feel like I'm in another world when I read a book like that. It takes me time to "come back". Let me know what you think of it when you're done!