I was recently interviewed on a blog called Salary Stories that profiles different careers and information regarding those careers. You can read my interview here. Thank you Michael for the opportunity!! I appreciate it immensely.

Just a heads up, I'm 32. There was an error in my "years of experience". It should read 10 but it reads 21. ;)

Also, the blurb on the "average salary" is TOTALLY off for how much I make. I'm not whining or complaining, I am simply stating a fact. *I* make (after my expenses) minimum wage averaging a take home salary of about $20,000 a year. I absolutely love what I do and I really hope that I can continue to do this in the coming years. I wouldn't change anything for the world...


~jolene said…
GREAT interview Kelly! Congrats!
And they did change the 'years of experience' to 10 :)
kelly...thanks for sharing...sometimes we have to understand the value of working for ourselves...and never undervalue our talent...blessings, rebecca
martha brown said…
An interesting article -- it truly is a labour of love, isn't it?
p.s Why don't you have anything in your etsy shop right now?
Maija said…
Great interview, Kelly! Have you thought about approaching some paper stores for teaching? There's the Paper Studio in Tempe (which you jknow) and a place called Mystic Paper in Phoenix. I never realized how really young you are! You are so very wise for your young age!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
I took my wares out of etsy to sell at various locations this summer...I will have new goodies to offer very very soon...

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