How can one not love a place that has balls of light suspended and illuminated from the ceiling?

Day Two of My Most Excellent Adventure a.k.a. The Trip up North to Sanctuary Studio

I got up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head...(Oh wait, wrong song). I woke up nice and early to allow myself plenty of time to get to Sonora's place to teach aka Sanctuary Studio in San Anselmo. It was hard leaving my nice comfy bed (did I tell y'all that I LOVED this hotel?) but I did it-I was a woman with a mission! I trekked off in search of gas and bagels (what a combo). Gas was fairly cheap around the corner from the hotel...well, fairly cheap meaning it was cheaper at THAT location then it is at the location around the corner from my home.
I found a scrumptious bagel shop off of the 101 and 4th street in San Rafael. Magic word being YUM. I Love Mom & Pop restaurants and this one was ideal. I also managed to find my Tazo Black Iced Tea that y'all know I can't live without (unsweetened). So I loaded up with my two iced teas, a root beer and a bagel for the day ;) Lots of caffeine and a bit o' sugar. I headed towards San Anselmo following the Mapquest directions (stupid silly me did NOT read Sonora's directions-BAD Kelly!! Sorry Sonora!!). Luckily instead of running into the packs of bicyclists, I ran into two of my students heading to the workshop instead. (They flagged me down LOL!!) We followed Sonora's directions via cell phone and were right on the money! Yay! I unloaded and set up shop quickly taking over Sonora's couch as space for collage ephemera. LOL, Thanks Sonora.
The workshop space was comfortable, quiet (except when we were talking and laughing), inspiring and just all around extremely welcoming. The shots I took here are actually from Sunday's PM class but I thought it would give you an idea as to how things were. I LOVED teaching here. I taught two classes Saturday: Whispers: Mail Art and Composition/Design 101: Collage. The students were extremely talented artists in their own right.
Between classes Paule and Sonora trekked on out for some home made ice cream and were kind enough to bring me back some. I had to refrain from licking the bowl-it was that good. I wish I had made time to go to all of the shops that they were raving about but I will do so next time (I'll be back in September-the last weekend-and I"m already looking forward to it).
After class on Saturday, I trekked across the bridge to Berkeley to meet my friends Alix and Kathy. When we weren't laughing and Alix wasn't making notes, we were chowing down on some delicious dishes at Skates by the Bay in Berkeley. Oh damn, was that restaurant good. The company and the view of the ocean was just frickin' amazing. I always know that when I get together with Alix and Kathy that some good times will be had. Both are talented artists in their own right and Alix wields some bad ass power tools and lives to tell the tale (I yield an x-acto knife and people go running). It's amazing how three hours can fly by with these two! We parted ways at 11 pm with a "see ya Monday in Berkeley for some serious shopping!" My sides hurt from laughing but it was worth it. I drove back across the Bridge to San Rafael (the night time scenario of Kelly driving across a bridge is to look straight ahead and just blast her Brian May CD and pretend she is not driving in the dark over dark water-one of my 3 fears).

Day 3 tomorrow...


Anonymous said…
Hee, ha! I was there all 4 classes! I enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks Kelly, people eat your heart out.
Anonymous said…
me too! It was so much fun! I am on an inspiration high. Got some stencils at Longs and am going to go work on some mail art in a minute. Thanks again, Kelly! Can't wait to see you next time.

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