Day 3 Trekkin' up North

These are photos AFTER I took the paints off of the table to give everyone more room...

and photos BEFORE the pizza arrived. ;)

Day 3...All good things must come to an end. I sadly checked out of my hotel (y'all know how much I loved that room!!), packed up the car and headed on over to Sanctuary Studio for my last day of teaching there (until September!!) I stopped off again for my obligatory bagel, root beer and iced teas (hey, I get two teas and they last me all day long and I only do this when I'm there!)
I taught two of my favorite classes today, Taped Journal and Reach for the Scissors. We merrily made journals, collages, painted pages, and messes (I LOVE seeing the table like this). Everyone was eager to dive right in on making the journal and learning various collage techniques. Alas, Kelly did not think of pulling her camera out until near the end of the Reach for the Scissors: Collage class on Sunday. I get too caught up with teaching and seeing what everyone is doing, checking to make sure people are ok and not struggling, giving suggestions, etc... One of my most favorite things of teaching has always been to give everyone the same idea and let everyone loose to process it and translate it their own way.
It was hard saying goodbye Sunday night but I am already planning my classes for September. If you have suggestions or ideas on classes you want, drop me a note. I'm wide open for ideas!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart not only to my amazingly talented students for a fabulous weekend but also to Sonora Beam who opened up her studio and home to us this weekend. Sonora is an extremely talented artist with a big, big heart. She also is an instructor and will be teaching at Carol Parks' studio in North Hollywood this September! I am hoping to be able to take her class, The Artist's Business Journal: A Guidebook for Manifesting Creative Work.

I left San Anselmo and trekked on over to Berkeley. It was still light out and I was all excited to not have to cross the bridge in the dark. I decided to check into the hotel later (and I was glad I did that later on!) and venture on over to Moe's, one of my most favorite bookstores. Parking was relatively easy to find (yay). As I was walking by the now defunct Cody's (oh why oh why did they have to close the Telegraph location?), I noticed a little bakery right next to Moe's. The smell of chocolate chip cookies tempted me and I popped inside. I ordered a (BIG) chocolate chip cookie (for later) and a fruit punch. (Yes, they were most delish!!) Moe's never overwhelms me unless it is at closing time and then I am frantic. Luckily, it was only a wee bit after 8. I browsed and perused to my heart's delight. I did find three books: A Taschen book called India Bazaar, The Most Dangerous Book for Boys (For Tristan) and Patterns of the Earth by Bernhard Edmaier (I love this one as it is various patterns, shapes and designs of the Earth. It is perfect to translate into my artwork-collage, painting and drawing). I held off on buying anything else but did make many a mental note to myself ;)

While driving down Shattuck, I discovered that Pegasus books was still open for another 15 minutes. Ack! Maybe they would have the two Jean Shepherd books I was looking for. After driving around for what seemed a small eternity, I did obtain a parking space. I RAN over to the store quickly checking out the zines, comics, magazines, art section and fiction section (Drat! No Jean Shepherd...and the very pretty boy at the register did not know who he was. The guy at Moe's was shocked that I was asking for his books...). I guess it's a good thing that they didn't have anything!! My wallet was happy. I was sad that I didn't make Comic Relief but decided I would see them at Comic Con.

I checked in at Best Western on University in Berkeley. Um, I don't remember it being like this last time I was there...maybe it was just the room I was in. The A/C didn't work all that well. The woman (at night) at the front desk wasn't very friendly (though the woman in the day was). The damn toilet didn't work right...need I go on? I guess they are converting it to a La Quinta, but my last experience at a La Quinta wasn't the best one. I don't mind inexpensive hotels (hell, I love 'em) but I would love a better and more secure lock on the door. *shudder*

Day 4 tomorrow...Kelly's Most Excellent Adventure Comes to an End


Anonymous said…
Hey, I got that India Bazaar book at Moe's too! Love it for collage. I love Pegasus also and you will be happy to know that the large chain bookstore across the street from them closed down. Yay for the independents! If I knew that you were going to be staying in Berkeley, you could have stayed at my house. You are welcome to my guest room next time.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks Dori! I might take you up on that some time :)
I LOVE Berkeley!!!!!

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