Two rare "two page spreads" that I did last night:

"Imagine what is possible" using papers, a playing card (the "round" flower) and an image from an Urban Outfitters catalog Pens: Sharpie Poster Paint (Extra Fine White), Sakura Gelly Roll Glaze (black), Glue Stick
I worked on this spread for awhile...very frustrating (actually I was quite pissed) when I found out (after the fact) that the damn book was upside down!
My friends helped me with this one: Tasha gave me the page on the left. Lorraine created the gorgeous pink and yellow paper on the right and made me copies! Sharyn gave me the paper of the India hands that I adore. Pens: Sakura Gelly Roll Glaze (black and white) Stamps: Stampa Fe and Paper Source Ink Pad: Versafine (black)
What it says: What saddens me is that some people will look at this picture and only see the words: "liberal" and "political". I look at it and see people-men and children who are hungry. I can't look away.


I'm home today (until I go get munchkin from school). Laundry and work-how fun. LOL
I did receive my two books (the only books, the only things I've bought all week other then groceries) from Kinokuniya in San Francisco thanks to my friend Muki, a fellow book and paper whore, right Taylor ;) I will hopefully take photos of them and get them up here tomorrow. The books are Artists' Studios London and Artists' Studios in NY I freakin' LOVE them. LOVE them.

Ya gotta watch or at least listen to the Michael Palin special I've posted above. It's awesome and as usual (since it's Michael Palin) extremely interesting...I can't wait for his next series (and book). (And yes, I did take the "competition" test and got 4/4! Woo hoo!) See, watching Michael Palin on TV can make you smarter!!


Have you seen Jose Parla's work?


Jason Thompson was talking about Dawbis' artwork-oh yum.


Alix said…
Okay, that's weird. I was browsing in the Kinokuniya Bookstore in San Francisco on Tuesday, thinking, "I wonder if Kelly is looking for anything here? There are some pretty amazing books here." Yeah, we know that normally I'm just checking the movie magazine section for more lovely Japanese magazines featuring Captain Jack, but this last visit, I was looking at other stuff and thinking of you. LOL!
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL I'm always looking for something and it's usually books or paper-har dee har har har.
That store is DANGEROUS DANGEROUS, ya hear?? ;)
~jolene said…
Your newest pages are STUNNING.

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