Thinking about books, art journaling, classes and more...

Hmm..where was this book all those years ago?

Some Guy's 1000 Journals Project has a high place on my shelf. It's small but packs a big punch. I always treasure the books that encourage you to look through them again and again. They call to you from the shelf "Pick me up..."

OH and if you like the 1000 Journals Project book make sure you read about my workshops in No CA (see below!!)

It's amongst many of my favorite books that I've collected over the years. I've listed some of those favorites below:

Other favorites like "Inspired":
Remember when this one came out? Jason Thompson's Making Journals by Hand. There was nothing out like this at the time!
I remember squealing when my husband pointed out Off Screen in the used bookstore:

I waited months for Jennifer New's Drawing From Life. WELL worth the wait:

The three day trek from New York to Los Angeles couldn't come fast enough via the post office when I waited for John Copeland's Journals book:
Not so much a book on "just" journaling but a book that packs a big punch with LOTS of ideas that can be incorporated into art journaling. I also love the layout of this one:

Ahhh, one of my treasures. I love James' Jean's work. I am REALLY looking forward to Process Recess 2 this summer.

Dan Eldon's work continues to inspire me:

Books that are not yet released that you KNOW I will be hounding the stores over:

In This House by Angela Cartwright & Sarah Fishburn and a whole slew of amazing artists. You know I'm not anticipating it just 'cause I'm in it. I've SEEN the houses and they are jaw dropping. This book will be unlike any other that has been released to date-woo hoo! I can't wait!!

500 Handmade Books. The title says it all.

Process Recess 2! More James Jean 'nuff said.
Journal Revolution. The name just screams to me. Linda Woods & Karen Dinino are freakin' amazing. And hey, Rosie's in it too!

Rice Freeman Zachary-I love the way she writes. I'm really looking forward to seeing what is in this book!

Angela Cartwright's layers and textures just call to me. I know this one will be a big eye pleaser!!

I've loved Holly Harrison's previous books and I"m eager to see what is in this one:

You know that anything with Art Journal as a title makes me want to pick it up and flip through it. I feel the same way boug Sharon Soneff's Art Journals & Creative Healing:
Jane Wynn's unique style of artwork just amazes me...Altered Curiosities has me intrigued:

I love Corey Moortgat's blog. I can't wait to see her first offering, The Art of Personal Imagery.
I had NO idea that this was coming out 'til I found it on amazon. I am a nut for seeing what other artists collect and treasure. (Remember all those paumes books I collect?)

And the latest offering from Stampington, Artful Blogs that comes out August 1st! My only beef is why didn't they ask me ;)



Upcoming classes (as in NEXT WEEKEND!) I will be at The Artists' Nook in Fort Collins, CO offering FIVE mixed media workshops with a slew of techniques-something for everyone!!

The following weekend (June 30 and July 1st) I will be at a new location in No CA teaching at Sonora Beam's Sanctuary Studio. There's even a buzz about it on the 1001 Journals site! Woo hoo! I will be teaching FOUR mixed media workshops-lots of new techniques for beginners to advanced. Make sure you check out the 1001 Journals site as there is a LOT of info on there! Ohh and to tempt & tease you-the weekend I am at Sanctuary Studio we have been offered to have one of the original journals from 1000 journals, to have at the classes - which are now out of circulation!!! BIG tempter and teaser! Woo hoo!!!!

I am really looking forward to my summer workshops. I'll be teaching LOTS of workshops-all are packed full of new ideas, tips, tricks, techniques that are guaranteed to leave your head spinning with new ways of seeing things and your arms full of cool projects you've made.

Oh, and I just wanted to shout out how much I LOVE my husband. I won't tell you how long this post took BUT I will tell you is that I closed the tab by accident while working on it. The husband walked over to the computer, clicked a couple of buttons and voila-it was back. I told you he was a keeper ;) (Smart one, eh?) Love ya honey-*mwah*!


Anonymous said…
(Thank you! You tickled my toes today!)

J a n e
Deb said…
Rats, Kelly! I really, really would have liked to have taken classes with you at Artists Nook. It's practically right next door, even if it IS 8 hours away! You've gotta come BACK!

Anonymous said…
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! All those different books about journals! Some I know of and some I will look for. I remember a front page article of Dan Eldon's book quite a while back in the L.A. Times, I still have the article somewhere safe. I remember thinking to myself, THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO DO. I'm still trudging along but thanks to you, I feel like I've got a mentor and someone to kick me in the pants once in a while. Thanks for opening my eyes and tantalizing my brain.
Fiona said…
Would you stop it with the book reviews - I want them all!!!
You should set yourself up aas an Amazon affiliate -that way you can earn money towards FREE BOOKS - tempting? Go for it!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for mentioning Journal Revolution :)
I have seen In This House, even held it in my hot little hands and it is soooooo cool! So is Rice's new book.
Anonymous said…
Naaa, this is not fare! Now I've added almost all of these books to my wish list and non of them are availible for me to glance through... I need to win the lottery to view all of these darlings! I LOVE inspiration books!