My husband left me last night and this is what happened after he left:

OK, so here I go busting chops. David was "surprised" by a visit from his friend in town from Norway last night. TOTAL surprise here (like he called about 3 minutes after I had put my pjs on so Kelly went into "oh shit, I hope no one is coming in here now" mode since he said he was parked out front. So, off the men went out for a wee bit and left Tristan and I home alone. These four pages are what I made while David was gone. This is what happens when you leave Tristan and I home alone to watch, um, The Brady Bunch (Poor Marcia getting grounded 'cause she wrote a tribute to Mike.)

Tristan looking oh so thrilled at LACMA today.

Um, yeah, I did get up close and personal with some of the paintings and images when the guards weren't looking. I wanted to grab this and run. Ohhhhh the colors.

Oh, and can we say yum?


BellaKarma said…
I can say "yum" to the first journal photo! Love it!
Also LOVE the religious Renaissance art - I use a lot of it in my own art collages, usually with a Pagan twist. ;)
Anonymous said…
dude! i thought you meant your husband left for real. you had me all freaked out there for a minute. whew. now, the pages you made are awesome. love the blue dressed woman and the ribbon through the circle. excellent. lacma is probably number one on the things i miss the most about living up there. i used to have a membership and go on friday nights in the summer for the jazz when the galleries were open late. then i would ride my bike over on saturday morning and spend the morning there all alone wandering for hours. did you ever see that old garage with the real car in it...and the workshop that was there? i practically haunted that place. it reminded me of my grandfather. i think it is probably gone now. the tiny museum down here is rather sad in comparison but it is free every thursday so i take the boys. i'm sure tristan will fondly remember your taking him to lacma. you two obviously have a glorious time together. :0)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Sorry Kelly that was the effect I was going for-goofy Kelly. I typed it up, posted it and had the husband read it just after I hit "post". He laughed and had me take some stuff out (like his friend's name) and wanted me to take out his name. LOL He's funny. I told him to watch out 'cause I might post pictures of him sleeping ;) (though he is quite cute sleeping)
Thanks for the kind words on the pages. The "ribbon" is actually a thin, shredded piece of paper.
Lacma was awesome. They were setting up the concert when we left. We were only there for 3 hours as most of the exhibits were closed (Grrr). I did find out that they have a Frida Kahlo (yay!) and am hoping to see that when they "have it on display" as a woman there said.
No, I missed the old garage but that sounds like it would've been cool and nostalgic.
I thought I'd trek him out to LACMA as I'm thinking of home schooling him after 5th grade. I told him that we'd do stuff like this on a regular basis so we shall see...
Sheree Rensel said…
I have been reading your blog this past week and you crack me up. In this post when you said "Kelly went into "oh shit, I hope no one is coming in here now" I almost fell off my chair. Boy, do I know that feeling!!! Love your work and reading about all your adventures!!
Sheree Rensel
Maija said…
You are a naughty girl yaking photos when you shouldn't!!
And my goodness, what would create if your husband really left you?!?
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL Maija,
You can take pictures at LACMA as long as you don't use a flash (I didn't). What they don't want are people getting closer than a foot to the artwork. Um, I got closer then that ;) LOL I did not touch anything though!!!

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