Michael Palin Special

focuses on the publication his diaries amongst other things...
"My favorite Python"


Anonymous said…
Thank you for this! I love Michael Palin.

Even though he won't return my calls.
Kelly Kilmer said…
He doesn't phone you back either? And I thought he was a nice guy ;) LOL
Lynn Henry said…
Thanks for sharing this Kelly. He is still quiet chaarming, isn't he? Rather!?
Kelly Kilmer said…
I might have to post more cute, charming, educated men like Mr. Palin on my blog more often...
Anonymous said…
I'm feeling a very spooky deja vu. Do you think it could have been the fish slapping? Thanks for posting this, I might have missed this bit of delight.

Oh, and Michael calls me every Sunday, like clockwork. Mums the word.
Kelly Kilmer said…
It was probably the fish slapping de ja vu.
Lynn, if Michael's calling you, will you slip him my number please LOL
Sad thing is, EVERY time he has a NEW book out he's done an appearance at the local Book Soup and guess who goes out of state EVERY time and doesn't find out 'til it's too late. GRRR. David went to see him (well, to pick up the book for me). He saw him and that was about it LOL He doesn't appreciate Michael anywheres near as much as I do ;) though we are both big Python fans. I LOVE the travel shows and books as well. I have a copy of Hemingway's Chair by my bed ;)

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