I can't tell y'all how much I *LOVE* This book:

My friend Muki recommended it to me. It came ultra fast (like lightning) from Giant Robot. I LOVE this book. The above artwork is also Margaret Kilgallen. The book is called In the Sweet Bye and Bye. I wish she was around to make more art...I wonder what direction she'd be going now. The neat thing about the book is not only is it an "art Eye Candy" book but it's also a "Soul Candy" book. I love reading it-the process, the insight, all of the stuff that makes this art so unique and special. I know that my friends like when I recommend books so here ya go ;) This was out of print for awhile and GR reprinted it, so grab it now. They also have a copy of the Giant Robot issue that featured Margaret's work.

I had a wonderful wonderful weekend teaching. Thanks to the gang at ALB today. I think I'm drowning in paper-it's awesome. Yesterday my friend Sharyn from Marshfield, MA (yes the *infamous* Sharyn, the wonderful Sharyn from The Stamp Act Gang!) gifted me with a *HUGE box FULL of papers*. My extremely generous friend Annette Cramer almost busted my arm under the weight of the papers she was kind enough to give me. OMG. Then today out at A Little Bizaar, Artist Extraordinaire gave me a bag full of goodies AND two little mini wallet purse thingees that I've been begging her to make for me (I LOVE them)...and The fabulous Angelica traded a big ol' bag of cool art papers for some of my books. WOW. Needless to say the living room is FULL of goodies that need to be put away (in addition to all of my class stuff from the weekend). I'm exhausted. We returned the rental car (bye bye Toyota Avalon!! I'll miss the CD player, sun roof and A/C!! LOL). Oh, I'll try to remember to post pictures of the papers that my friends gifted me with tomorrow, k?


Free the Five. Regardless of your politics, you should read their story.


Dorit Elisha said…
Hey Kelly,
Did you see this?
Cool stuff... I just finally posted new stuff to my blog... sheesh, what a slacker I am! :)

Anonymous said…
I love the look of this book and Margaret Kilgallen's art, thank you! You have the biggest repository of inspiring art books over here. Can't wait to see pictures of your goodies.

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