Here is before and below is after:

In all honesty, I'm not 100% pleased with these pages. I"m leaving them "as is". My motto is to do as much as I can-to push myself 'til I can't push no more. I am not in love with these pages but I revel in the process. It's always gotta be the process that matters the most and not so much the end results. I might go back to them later but for now, I'm turning the page and moving on to finish the last 5 pages hopefully today.

ACK! Help! My living room has been invaded by LEGOS:

I blame him:

Though in all honesty, the floor where his Mom is working in her journal at this moment doesn't look much better:

I'm off this weekend! The end of May/beginning of June is always slow. People just see BEACH and SUMMER and classes slow down. Tristan has got the sniffles (I should've listened to him yesterday when he complained about a sore throat!!) I'm probably going to lay low this weekend and concentrate on getting the journal I'm working in now FINISHED, making a new one. I also want to work on the zine (I always say that and then something else happens *sigh* then someone yells at me about when the hell it's going to be of these days!!!) I also need to work desperately on my resume but that still scares the hell out of me. I Hate/dread/despise doing it. I just want to walk into the potential teaching location and say SEE? This is what I do.


Guess what arrived in my mailbox yesterday? Gina Armfield's zine Artful Purpose.

First of all, I couldn't believe what she packs IN the envelope (it had goodies goodies and more goodies-thanks Gina!!) I LOVE the zine. My only complaint -more pictures LOL I always want more pictures. You could give me a zillion pictures and it wouldn't be enough ;) I LOVE her self portraits and what she does with them-amazing.Seeing new art from Juliana Coles was awesome. The Cowgirl theme has never interested me but I LOVE what the artists in this issue did with it (the couple of cowgirl pages that are in there). The how to is dead on-love that. I always love a glimpse inside other artists' bags ;) and how they work and what with!! Love the glimpse into Nina Bagley, Deb Trotter & Patty van Dorin's artwork and how they answered Gina's questions. All in all, a huge two thumbs up!
Remember, Gina has a huge heart and volunteers for Free Arts in L.A They are always in need of supplies so check out their site. I'm going through my stuff and setting things aside (ack! LOL too much stuff ;) ).

Check out more of Gina's work


~jolene said…
You know, I am having a hard time deciding what I like the BEST....your journal pages, or Tristan's Lego land setup.....hmmm...okay, it's a tie! :)
It all ROCKS!
Fiona said…
My floor looks like that too. Lego everywhere and art supplies too. Can't move in my house without stepping on one or the other! Isn't that normal?

Looking forward to the zine are right, you cvan never have enough pictures.

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