All packed for Colorado:
And nope, what you see above is not everything. I also have stuff in the kitchen and stuff in the trunk and stuff that's hidden to the right of the photo. LOL, I do NOT travel light "art wise" for my classes. ;)
I will have the above journals for sale in Fort Collins!!
See why I have been working on the floor lately? Too lazy to clean the table off! (For some reason this table looks bigger in this picture then it actually is. It's a small round table!)
Two of my bookshelves (see artwork from Karen Michel on the top left picture). Some of the Books: Joe sorren, Handmade, Tricia Guild, Off Screen, French Inspired Home, Musa, Illustrating Children's books, Artists' Sktechbooks, Drawing from Life, ARt of Rebellion, The green box is bird illustrations from Melissa Sweet, The Sky is the Limit, Lenore Tawney, and more...
More Books on Hundertwasser, Frog Belly Ratbone (a kids book I love), Graffiti Brasil, Convergence, 100 posters & squirrels, Street Art, Bird Egg Feather Nest, Graffiti World, Nita Leland's New Creative Artist, New Visual Culture of Modern Iran to name a few...
As far as I know, there is still room in my workshops in Fort Collins at The Artists' Nook this weekend (June 22nd-24th) FIVE workshops. I'm looking forward to seeing my CO friends-I can't wait!!! :)
The following weekend June 30 & July 1st I am in San Anselmo, CA at Sanctuary Studio! FOUR workshops! Sanctuary Studio is a NEW teaching location for me. I'm looking forward to it-I love No CA.
Thanks to my amazing webmistress, Adriane, my schedule is up and online (click on workshops) here.
My Mom is here (picked her up Sunday night). I probably will not be blogging FROM CO but I will post something tomorrow (Tuesday) to keep you guys busy til I get back. OK? So stay tuned...
As far as I know, there is still room in my workshops in Fort Collins at The Artists' Nook this weekend (June 22nd-24th) FIVE workshops. I'm looking forward to seeing my CO friends-I can't wait!!! :)
The following weekend June 30 & July 1st I am in San Anselmo, CA at Sanctuary Studio! FOUR workshops! Sanctuary Studio is a NEW teaching location for me. I'm looking forward to it-I love No CA.
Thanks to my amazing webmistress, Adriane, my schedule is up and online (click on workshops) here.
My Mom is here (picked her up Sunday night). I probably will not be blogging FROM CO but I will post something tomorrow (Tuesday) to keep you guys busy til I get back. OK? So stay tuned...
Thanks for the kind words Maija...