Two pages from last night:

I cut out circles from scrapbooking paper. I used Sharpie Poster Paint pens and Sakura Gelly Roll Glaze pens on both pages.
The quote says "I wish I could talk to her". "Her" being my Mother about "current events" in the world without her going absolutely positively primeval apeshit and blaming the downfall of civilization on people like me.
More Sakura Gelly Roll Glaze pens here. Not sure yet if I am 100% done with this page or not. The "halo" around her head is a Mandala image from Anahata's Spare Parts books.

Still sweltering (though not as hot as yesterday but still hot in this apartment). Griffith Park is on fire. Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh.

I did get the prettiest zine in the mail on Monday and I wanted to mention it here. I had my sister order some back issues for me and I can't wait to receive them!!

Oh, and did I tell y'all that I did manage (um, after 3 hours of looking and banging my head against the wall) to find a hotel for San Diego Comic Con a mere 5 minutes from Con *and* I didn't have to pay through the nose for it (I'm paying more then I want to pay but at least we don't have to go far). I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait. It will be our first "vacation" (one where neither of us are going to "work work" in, um, 11 years). I do have to teach that Sunday at Zinnia (I love Zinnia) but Wed through Saturday-no teaching. Amazing, huh? It's not that the husband and I are "workaholics" but we both enjoy what we do...and usually when I go "somewhere", I teach. Uh uh, baby. Not this time. I figure Wed night we will run around like mad chickens checking out Con and gathering up the big stuff on our lists. Thursday ditto. Friday more relaxed...take it easy. Saturday kick back and watch the shows and check things out. I am really looking forward to seeing Barron Storey, Eddie Campbell (who doesn't look forward to E.C.?), Andy Runton (he always is the sweetest to Tristan) to name a small handful. The amazing thing is I don't have a "list" this year (you should see the husband's list) though I am debating whether or not to get Mr. Campbell's latest book the day it comes out or wait til 'Con and have his John Hancock put on it (if he would be so kind)...ok, I guess I have a list...also looking for Aline Kominksy Crumb work...stuff from Barron Storey that I don't have. Oh, and of course if Murphy Design has a booth there again, y'all know I'm going to go nuts. Now I just have to start saving the money so I can actually pay for all of this...I'll just go sit in the corner and shut up for now.


More on the LAPD and their attack on the marchers May 1st.

Great quote from the husband,"When Columbus arrived did the Indigenous Peoples ask for his papers?"


Maybe if we weren't there then things like this wouldn't happen in the first place: 7 Iraqi children killed in US Attack


BellaKarma said…
I really like these two pages ... especially the "halo." I love looking for "halos" and "crowns" in an image -- I'll post one of my ATCs on my blog later to show you what I mean.
Still coughing up a lung every few minutes or so... ugh...

Say... which days are you going/staying at Comicon and where? :) I'm thinking of taking some time off work to go...

~jolene said…
Hey, when "mom" goes all bat-shit crazy on you -- tell her it's Jolene's fault. Damn old crazy hippie that I am. :)

I can take the heat :)

LOVE the two new pages -- your eye for composition is right on every time.
Ro Bruhn said…
Love your journal pages, love all the colour.
Tara's Art Camp said…
Don't you just love the gelly glaze pens. I use them alot now in my work. I "paint" with them. After I put some on my image I smudge the colors around with my fingers. They leave a beautiful shiny effect.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Tara, I love the glaze and the souffle pens from Sakura *LOVE* them. Been using 'em since I found out about them a few years ago. My only "wish" is that they came out with NEW colors!! All gel pens are crap compared to the Sakura Souffle & Glaze. I should buy stock in the company or somethin' ;)

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