Two more pages from last night:

I used various papers from my collection also Sharpie Poster Paint pens (you can't see it in the photo but on the "black and blue" page I drew like a fiend with my sharpie extra fine poster paint pen in black ALL over the page. Then collaged on top. Then filled in the areas I wanted to fill in with the dark blue Sakura Gelly Roll Glaze pen. Then on top I used the Uniball signo in white (you can tell-it's where the smears are!!).

I went magazine happy between last night and this morning. I finally gave in and shelled out $15 for the latest issue of IDN pretty much solely for the work of Linda Zacks (who also did the cover for the 1000 Journals Project). I also bought the new Elle Decor (U.K. edition) Babelfish made me do it oh, and the latest Home Companion. Last in the pile was the latest issue of "O" which I like to read while I do dishes, make supper, etc... Hopefully that will be it for awhile. I am a book whore's not a bad thing to be. I go nuts and lust after new books and magazines-print of all kinds. The bad thing is, I am running out of room/storage space. Every now & then, I do go through my books and clear some out but it has been harder and harder lately to sit down and do it.

The Mail Person (I think it's a woman but I am never sure lately) just went BAM and threw a whole pile of boxes (Shosh, yours was one of them) outside my front door. My son will be psyched as one box is for him (old Lego Bionicles someone had on Ebay-he paid for them LOL).

I have a little "rant", a little "something" I need to get off my chest. I'm going to save it for another day and clear my thoughts...maybe later today, maybe tomorrow...Just feeling a bit bummed at the moment.


Neil Gaiman says that Dave McKean will have a DVD collection of his short films out in time for Comic Con...hmm...there are some here to see.


Will someone please tell me why Posada Carriles' case was tossed out of a U.S. court? Why a known terrorist (he killed 73 passengers on a Cuban airliner) is free?

Or why a former French Government agent who blew up the Rainbow Warrior (and killed a member of Greenpeace) is living freely in Virginia?


Did anyone catch "Frida" from the Guerrilla Girls on Feminist Magazine on KPFK last night?


Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly:
Thank you for your updates. It was sure hard when you were away last weekend. I look forward to your blog each and every day. Your blog keeps me inspired, focussed, and keeps my inner critics at bay--thank you for that. Thought you might like to know that the signo pen line has some neat glitter pens. I bought the available 6 colors (silver,purple, orange, yellow, pink & red) for $1.65 a piece. So far I have journaled using the pink, orange and red pens, and really enjoyed the ink delivery (glided very easily on my white graph paper), and I liked the low key glittery/metallic look on the page. I bought these at the kinokinuia office supply store in San Francisco's Japan town. Boy, I can relate to the magazine purchases too.....I lust after the periodicals you mentioned...I have to check out IDN--I have been
buying Elle Decor (Britain and Australia if I like the issues), Home Companion, Oprah, Cloth/Scissors, Juxtapose, Selvedge (from Borders--I think you would Selvedge (pricey, but if you keep an eye out for the 20% to 30% off cupons at Borders, that helps)), Giant Robot, and others if the
issue(s) grabs me....
Take care,
Muki, your fellow paper and ink whore..
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you Muki for the kind words. It means a lot to me :)
Did the Kinokuniya store in SF have the whole huge aisle of just pens that the one in L.A. has? It's maddening, I tell ya, maddening!! LOL
IDN is cool but I've only bought 2 issues. I did give in and bought Selvedge tonight. I didn't realize that the Borders coupons could be used for magazines (kicking myself here!!) I'm wishing at this point that I didn't buy anything today as I broke my son's PSP by accident tonight (he left it on the bed and I 'knee-ed' it $97 later...I am poorer and Sony is richer GRR).
It's been one of those days. Is it Saturday yet?
Anonymous said…
Hi kelly:
Thank you for your note. I have not been to the LA Kinokunia so I don't know. The exact name of the glitter pens though is as follows:
UNIBALL SIGNO RAINBOW. I also bought a set of the mini fountain pens ($4.95 a piece/$1.65 for a capsule filled with 3 refills). These pens are just
fun to play with--I think there about 18 colors available. When I journal at a cafe, people always come up to me to ask about the fountain pens. So sorry about the mishap with your son's PSP--I am happy to hear you picked up a copy of Selvedge; I just wish it wasn't so pricey; the same goes with some of those Japanese magazines I saw ($43 per issue--I couldn't believe it). I guess I will add
"book whore" to my title--I am a hopeless case
(but there is nothing like paper, ink, pigments, and books to lift my spirit). Take good care.
~jolene said…
Hey Kelly, I tried the coupons at my Borders (in the O.C.) - before reading the small states NO PERIODICALS. Bummer man! Maybe they play by different rules in S.F.!

And just like Muki - you have inspired me as well. I am actually going to start a journal now that I make the journals themselves...what a concept, eh? Going to start with a JUNK MAIL JOURNAL and see if I can save the world from creating one more landfill ;-) 'toys' are so costly these days!!
Anonymous said…
Heehee...did I 'make' you buy another magazine/book? 1000 journals is still on my 'to buy' list and, I am definitely getting this month's Elle Decor(UK) after seeing this:
Beautiful journal pages as always!
BellaKarma said…
I LOVE the henna feet journal page! If my feet looked that pretty, I wouldn't mind when I stuck one in my mouth!

Anonymous said…
I am a magzine & book whore too! Ok there, I said it. I'm addicted. It's terrible. I have magazines back from the 80's. I can't bear to part with them. Is there a help group for this???? I think I may need one!

Cindy in Carolina

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