Two more journal pages:

I thought I'd upload these pictures while listening to one of my favorite KPFK radio shows, Middle Eastern Focus with Don Bustany (Wed. nights from 8 to 9 on KFPK).

I love KPFK and listening to it but I'm getting very tired of listening to callers call in and berate Mr. Bustany (not to mention waste precious air time) on this show solely because of the topics of this show (one being Israel's policies against the Palestinians). Anytime anyone says anything Anti Israel POLICY it is instantly taken as Anti Semitic. It's the same as when people speak out against the POLICIES of the U.S. government, you are taken as being Anti American. Probably opening up a can of worms here but that's my two cents.


File under WTF AGAIN??


~jolene said…
Gaaaaaaaaaawd I love the journal pages (in this post and the previous one)!!!!!

I was gettin' itchy waiting for more...SO glad you posted them!!!!!

Glad you had time with a friend and a paper fix :) I like to call these 'mental health breaks' ;-)
Anonymous said…
great new pages..
where is the green skeliton paper from i must have now.....
debbie, scottsdale
Anonymous said…
BellaKarma said…
After Lebanon was terrorized with brutal force by Israel, I was so disgusted by how it was justified by many in the U.S.! It seemed to me that the U.S. didn't want to condemn Israel's actions in fear of looking anti-Semitic.

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