Sights from my walk:

(a store front-the whole building is covered with this stuff-seriously)

Two or three times a week I walk Tristan to school. The walk is about 3 miles (coming and going). The other day I decided (well, actually, I remembered!!) to take the camera along with me. There is SO much inspiration around us everywhere if only we could take the time to slowwwwww down and see it. One of my favorite things to do is to "find" new ideas and translate them to what I do-paper, canvas, paint, etc...

The Post Office decided to stop holding my Amazon order hostage. (I'm not the only one complaining about having to wait for their books. I won't even go into the fact that I still do not have the latest issue of Art & Life. GRRR.). For four days straight, I was tracking the package-I could see that the little effin' bugger was just up the street AT my post office. So, Day 1 comes and I see that it arrived at 8:47 a.m. OK, that means there's a slight chance they'll still deliver it. Mail comes two hours later. WHAM! Mail lady throws it against the door. I pounce-no luck-swap stuff. Day 2. OK, they'll definetly deliver it. WHAM! She shoots-and doesn't score. WTF? Day 3. OK It HAS to come today. I am seriously thinking of going postal on their ass if it doesn't come-calling or even going there to find out WHAT is going on. Calm down, Kelly. The effin bugger still does NOT arrive. Day 4. Silence. Hmm...I peek out the peephole. Packages? Yes. I open the door. AMAZON! Was it worth it?


Not only did I get the new (special edition) Tori Amos Cd but I also snagged the Patterns book by Drusilla Cole. DAMN. The Patterns book is amazing. It's fresh. It's new. It's a collection (selection?) of NEW patterns and designs. I LOVE it. The size. The amount. I will try to shoot a few pictures of the inside pages and upload them. Even if you're not into "pattern books" this is just pure eye candy. MODERN eye candy. Yum.


Oh, THIS made my day. "Uh oh, Tinky Winky!"


Mumia, we're with you today.


Studs Terkel at 95...“Ordinary People Are Capable of Doing Extraordinary Things, and That’s What It’s All About. They Must Count!”


Civilian Life in Gaza


Anonymous said…
That swirly stuff on the building, was it vines of some sort? The photo almost looks like hair! That photo is so cool, you have to print that one and use it in your collage!

BellaKarma said…
I think I've seen that store...on Melrose Ave...I know I've seen that store...Unless I had one too many Fuzzy Navels and everything started looking fuzzy...
~jolene said…
I think that store building needs some conditioner or gel :)

Kelly, you've got to tell me -- what is that place? Trippy!

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