Random L.A. Photos:

I love the purple flowered trees in this one.
Love the funky graffiti in this one.

Love the little hands to hold in this one.

So much greenery in this one.
And from April 2006, remember the *ahem* "good old days" when gas was $3.40?


~jolene said…
I loved ALL of your photos.

The trees with the purple blossoms are Jacaranda trees. Where my parents lived before moving to the beach the street was lined with them. When the blossoms fell the street was carpeted in lilac-blue. It was beautiful. But we had to be sure not to track them onto the carpet :)
Kelly Kilmer said…
:) Thanks Jolene!!
Thank you for letting me know about the tree names too. We have them around the apartment as well. They are soooo pretty.
In all honesty, David took some of the photos (like the gas sign) LOL

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