I've often been told that I look like my Grandma (I thank her for my bump nose!)

pages from a book I made a few years ago:
(little Kelly, sister Erin, Grandma & Grandpa, Nana, Mom -oops, everyone but my Dad!! Sorry Dad!)
Another old journal page:

So, everyone says I look like my Mom and my Grandma (a quote from one of my cousins whom I don't like very much "You look just like Peggy...except for your fat ass!" Yup, thanks.)

Memorial Day 2007. Ya know I'm not a huge fan of holidays. I don't need one day to remember the dead. I remember them a lot. It takes a lot to forget people like:

My Grandma Margaret Murphy
My Grandpa Francis A. Murphy
My Nana Elmira Runci Smith
My Uncle Frank Francis Sturm
My Aunt Gin Virginia Fallon
My Aunt Alice Reilly
Grandpa John Runci

Then I've even conjured up images of people I never met who are gone like my Dad's Dad (Grandpa Smith) and my husband's Mom who died before I met David...what were they like? Hmm...

Any ways, as I said I like to celebrate, memorialize, think about, reminisce on, talk about these people all throughout the year. Silly little things. My Mom will call and say "Nana calling. Nana calling...just Nana" which is something her Dad (my Grandpa, Tristan's G.G.) used to do EVERY time he called. I dunno. It's just me, I guess. You want to keep these ghosts with you all your life...like an invisible friend or someone you can talk to when you need them there (ya know nowadays in the age of cell phones in ears and who the hell knows who is actually talking on their cellphone-it might be possible to get away with it! ;) )


I had a wonderful day today. I slept in wayyyyy too late. I managed to actually get up and get dressed by a somewhat ok hour. I met up with my friend Kara at Susina for tea. It is always wonderful visiting and talking with Kara!! Kara, I'm working on the zine...slowly but surely...And, Kara, remember, right now it has to be all about you, ok?

After seeing Kara, I popped in at Dick Blick. This is now the 3rd or 4th time I've been in that store and found nothing. Not that I was really looking for anything but there wasn't anything to be found any ways. Went home. Lolled around the house for a bit. At 5:25, David decided it was finally time to go out. Our car is having problems so I didn't want to go too far (smart me). I phoned Paper Source in Bev Hills and found out that they were open til 6 (ack!) so we schlepped on over there. Won't tell you how much I spent but I found wayyy more then I wanted to and spent wayyyy more then I should have. Ate dinner @ Mulberry Street Pizza. Hit Borders on the way home (I bought Burt's Bees chapstick. That's it.) Home again home again jiggity jig...

Tomorrow, the car goes in the shop. Grrr I don't want to put any more money into it but I do need it to last a few more weeks...grrrr....


Anonymous said…
have you tried the Burts Bees lipcolors? they might be called "glimmers". sort of like chapstick, a little like gloss, they blend with your skin tone and look great on everybody. between art supplies and makeup, i will always be BROKE!
~jolene said…
Kelly, from the few photos I've gotten a glimpse of with you in them you SURE DO look like your Grandma! That's a good thing! :)

I'm not a 'holiday' person either. Especially those 'military' in nature. Ok, I know I am making enemies saying that...I, like you, THINK about the lives we have/are sacrificing EVERYDAY.

Seems we were both thinking of 'Grandparents' today - I began a two page spread with my two Grandfathers in my journal.
Kelly Kilmer said…
I LOVE Burts Bees chapstick and their lipstick. I've tried some of their creams but their lip stuff is my ultimate favorite!! My purse is like a Burts Bees Lipstick STORE. OMG. Someone probably would think that I was stealing all of this stuff if a store employee ever stopped me and opened my bag!! LOL! But then they'd open the lipsticks and chapsticks and handcreams and see that they'd been used already and let me go LOL! I just have this weird thing for lipstick/chapstick and hand cream. I ALWAYS have to clean my purse out 100% before I fly. "NOOOOOOOO Don't take my chapstick!!"
Hi Kelly!

Remembrance... I was just thinking about the same thing today... spurred by our library lady's admission that she was out last week "due to the death of [her] mother" I shared with her that mine has been gone since '03, and while it certainly doesn't smart as much now, I still miss her like the dickens. And I think of her and try to remember all of the things she shared with me, because once we're gone, all that keeps us "alive" are the memories of those whose lives we've touched.
