It's not too often that a book will make me gasp:

Rule #1: When you don't have any money, do not upon any circumstances visit the Comic Book store and the Used Book Store...especially if those stores happen to be Meltdown Comics and The Iliad Bookstore.

Rule #2: *sigh* Rule #1 can be broken and justified if you're a book addict.

We (the husband, child and I) walk in Meltdown. I stroll up and down the aisles confidant in that I will not find anything on this trip (solely for the reason that I should not be spending any money). Up and down, up and down I walk. I walk over to the husband who is standing by the new "alternative" or "independent" releases flipping through books. Oh crap. I see it. Oh no. I know it's going to be expensive and it's going to jump in my hand. Oh no. I flip through it. The husband walks off in search of other things...Not only does this gem have a "mini book" inside of it (That focuses on the artists in the BIG 300+ book) but it *gasp* has pictures of artists' studios...It's like those little Paumes books that I go nuts over but BIGGER and with a hardcover. I need it. I want it. I search through the shrink wrapped copies (there was one open copy) and find "the perfect one". The Age of Feminine Drawing in my hands, I make my way to the cash register and fork over $43. and some change. The husband upon seeing me just shakes his head.

So, we then head on over to The Iliad Bookshop. For some reason we always get lost on our way over there. Zola, the one eyed pirate kitty (aaaargh) greets us at the door. Tristan gets freaked out by the cat so he runs off and hides behind a copy of Calvin & Hobbes. I walk around the store looking for some fiction books that seem to be eluding me lately (like used copies of Jean Shepherd books, a couple of Kurt Vonnegut books, etc...) and non fiction (Howard Zinn, where are you? Everyone must have good taste or somethin' 'cause I can't find these books used, damnit!). No luck. So, while the husband manages to find not one, but 4 books that have been "high" on his "search list" for some time, I slunk over to the Bargain section wondering how much this "cheap night out" will cost us ($100 later. Oh well, the phone bill can wait to be paid). What do I find? For The Love of Old just sitting there! Nah. Someone must've misplaced this. I open it up to where the price is and see $10. $10!?!?!? OMG. Cheapest I've ever seen it was $20 once and I passed it by in favor of two other books that I "needed" at the time (well, I did). This time it was going home with me.

So see, folks, when you're broke and your car is on the fritz do not, under any circumstances, give in to the husband when he says "Let's go out." Ignore him and stay in your jim jams, damnit.

Actually, it was well worth the trek out. I LOVE my books. Stay tuned to this site as I may be listing books that I need to find new homes for. Anyone looking for any Nick Bantock books (I think I have almost all of them) to trade or buy?


~jolene said…
Uh, excuse me while I drool over my keyboard. LOL!

Yeah, screw the phone bill -- books are the true life-line!

I just unloaded my Nick Bantock books on eBay a short time ago. I did save one..The Forgetting Room - for some reason I can read that one over and over and never tire of it.
Anonymous said…
you are dangerous. Here I was everything perfect (as in not spending any money on books) and then I look at your blog and poof I'm off to order books.
Put a warning before you tell of great books.
Anonymous said…
God Kelly:
You are killing me. I think a 12 step program is in order. I have to say though, Jolene's note "screw the phone bill--books are the true life-line," really hit the nail on the head. Books are my life line plain and simple. I get such a squirt of happy hormones/neurotransmitters in my brain when I hit on a must have book, that I would not be surprised if my book addiction is chemical in nature at this point. Thank you so much for your regular postings--your blog brightens my mood tremendously especially when you post delectable must have books and art supplies--not to mention your superbly inspiring art work. Thanks for all you do....
Kelly Kilmer said…
Muki, LOL, You're killing me too. I just ordered not one but TWO more books from Paumes in Japan. The Nathalie Lete book and Childrens Room England.
I think I need to start a 12 step program for book addicts. I keep telling the husband that our floor is going to start caving in soon...
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness, I read about 'the age of Feminine Drawings', please show us some internal pages -I want to get it so much! The other book too, how envy over here!
Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly:
I have been ordering the Japanese books thru kinokinuia books in SF. What kind of luck have you had by ordering directly from the publisher De Paume, I believe? Kinokinuia informed me that Nathalie Lete's book had been ordered, but would not be in the store until late June (yipes!!!). Will be back in touch later today--need to track down the title of a book I think you might like. Have a great day.
sf said…
I couldn't find the Nathalie Lete book on the Paumes sight --- what am I doing wrong?
I am ready to give up all the Nick Bantock books I have as well.
They're old hat to me now.

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