I don't know whether to hold my head up or hide... ;)

Actually, I love the journey it's been...Just like Mr. Eldon said, it's the journey not the destination...It's the way I view art and the whole "creating" part of it. It's not the end result it's what I feel and am a part of as I create.

The above pages are old and it's so funny to look back and see "older" artwork vs. the stuff I've been doing lately. I always tell people that you have to start at A to get to Z. I mean, c'mon. Paint the page. It's just friggin paper and paint. You can't mess it up. Trust me. I've tried. So WHAT if you end up covering a whole page that you painted so diligently with collage ephemera? SO WHAT? You *have* to get from here to go to there. You have NO idea what is going to happen unless you just sit the freak down baby and do it. You don't like it? Drag out the paints or grab more paper and layer some more stuff on top. You don't get art by just grabbing an image, sticking it in the center of the page and hanging it on the wall. You have to work it baby.

So go on...Those of you in the States, you've got a 3 day weekend. Even if you don't, carve out a little bit of art time. Grab that canvas. Grab that book. Grab those paints. Whatever the hell your medium is. Get some art time in this weekend. We've come a long way baby, but we've got a lot farther to go...

Thanks to the gang at Stampin on Cloud 9 tonight. GREAT class-amazing artwork. It's 11 p.m. now and you've all got me wanting to drag out my journal and park it on the floor and make something!! I love Old Town Monrovia...that whole little strip of old store fronts with funky little Mom & Pop stores...it looks like something is up though as a lot A LOT of the stores in that area are moving or closing. *sigh* It's like Melrose. The damn rents skyrocket. No one can afford them so we lose the Mom & Pops and the damn chains move in. Remember-support your Mom & Pop stores!!! C'mon.

Want good pizza? It's expensive but damn it's good. See, this guy agrees with me!
Zelo Cornmeal Crust Pizzas
328 E. Foothill Blvd., Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 358-8298
Tues - Sat 11:30am - 9pm; Sun 3pm - 9pm
I'm drooling just thinking about it and wondering when we can trek out there again soon...

Thanks Muki for having me order this book ;) I'll write a proper review of it. I did something funky to my neck this morning and have been having horrible pains all day so I'm taking it easy for now...


WTF is going on in this country? Why are we allowing this to happen constantly?


We have money for war but not for education in Michigan.


Another mine explosion killing 38 in Russia.


I don't find this funny at all...


Us vs. them mentality-will it ever end?


Are you an F*or or F*ee?


Hey Kelly! I love your old stuff... love your new stuff too! It's all soooo... you! I know what you mean about the journey though... as artists (and sensitive souls) it's a blessing that we realize what is in my opinion the most important lesson of life. :)

Anonymous said…
Hi kelly:
I am so sorry about your neck. This can be so painful. I hope last night's sleep has helped. It's helpful to go down memory lane, and see how ones style of art making shifts over time. This post got me nostalgic, and I started to look through some of my early journals.

Hope your neck improves over the weekend and that you get some time to work in your exquisite books.

This No. Calif paper whore wishing all of my fellow paper whores reading Kelly's blog, a fruitful, happy weekend, full of new paper treasures
to buy, hoard, and transform in amazing journals.
Take care,
Muki in San Francisco
~jolene said…
Hear! Hear!
I do also declare this weekend an

I am glad you posted some of your earlier journal pages. It truly illustrates how we grow as artists. I always think "oh, it has to be RIGHT the first time!"...and thanks to you I am learning (remembering?) that I have to PLAY and not THINK of the outcome. For example, I painted pages for nearly two hours the other night. Then I didn't like them! At first I thought...oh crap ..I failed. Then DUH. I slapped myself on the head..and said.."So what, I don't like them! Paint 'em again!"

What I noticed the most about your work is how much more "free-wheeling" your newer pieces are...less boundaries, more honest. Just my observations, anyway.

You have inspired me to 'set it free' - do what I want... what pleases ME.

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