From Flack's book: "...Do you know the real reason that Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear?"
"No, why?" "Because he couldn't stand listening to critics anymore."

I pulled this off of the shelf last week (I've had it for 10 years now) and it's one of those little treasures that has little tid bits and stories and snippets and jewels in it that make you smile and nod your head in agreement.

I think that most artists are insecure and full of doubt about their artwork (I know that I can be like that at times). I was reading sweet Nina's blog and was nodding my head in a sort of "Been there...felt like that" way. What makes us feel like that? It doesn't happen often...but often enough. You know what I mean?


Lately I have been feeling sad, frustrated annoyed (this is the "Rant" that I have been talking about that I just have to let out). Those of you living in So CA, well, we're about to be hit with a wee bit of a "shock" come the end of this year. Due to a number of factors, we're losing a lot of our beloved stamp stores. With that news comes the fact that come the end of 2007, I might not have places to teach in like I used to. The weird thing is, the last few years I have had wonderful, nice & full classes so it is sad to see this happen...

I've been sending out emails and the like trying to "get a foot in the door" at several new places. The sad thing is, it's like starting all over again. I don't have a "big name" like some others do. I am not into "self promoting" (I don't have the time and being published or well known is not important to me). What is important to me is teaching. So, I digress. I am sending out emails and am just feeling bummed at the moment. I have been teaching every weekend now (if not locally, nationally) for 10 years (10 years! Seems like a lifetime). I love my students. I love my classes. I love teaching. What is frustrating on my end is the lack of response from some locations. Self doubt starts to form. I wonder if it's just me. I wonder if they look at my blog or my political connotations and shake their heads. I wonder if they look at my art and shake their heads. I just wonder.

I am also running into "bias" factors. It amazes me. Rubber stamp stores that don't want you there 'cause you taught at a scrapbooking store. Scrapbooking stores that don't want you there 'cause you taught at a rubber stamp store. Art locations that don't want you at all 'cause you taught at rubber stamp and/or scrapbooking stores. Oh for crying out loud. Let what I am making and teaching speak for itself. Get over WHERE I have taught-throw those prejudices out the window. It shocks the hell out of me what I have been told. I taught thousands of people. I have logged in thousands of hours and days teaching; thousands of days, hours, weeks, months, seconds as as working artist. Who out there can't call me an ARTIST, damnit!

Here is what I am throwing out to the World-I am officially looking for new locations to teach at-
Rubber stamp stores. Scrapbook stores. Art colleges. Art institutions. Retreats. Whateva, baby! Those of you that know me and know my style of teaching and work, you know what I do. I have a lot of the same, wonderful amazing artists that take my classes again and again and again. I don't want to lose any of you! IF you know of a place that might be interested in having me teach, drop me a note. IF you have space of your own and you are interested in having me teach for a day, weekend, whatever, for you and a group of friends, please let me know. If you want to forward this post to anyone, please do so... If there are locations that you can recommend me to, I would appreciate it immensely.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading and understanding...thanks for your time...thanks for being there....

xo xo xo


Anonymous said…
Are you serious with this bias crap about scrapbook stores vs rubber stamp stores?
People need to get their head outta somewhere...
It's art.
It's creativity.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Yup! It is crap...the worse one though that is out there are the "Art Institutions" or anything other then a Stamp/Scrap store. I've been told that I can not teach at "Insert Place Here" SIMPLY and ONLY because I have taught (and I do teach) at Rubber Stamp Stores. HOW STUPID IS THAT?? Um, I teach the same techniques (and more so) that artists use that have their work hanging in freakin' museums and galleries. ARGHHHHHHHHHH
Anonymous said…
I would be interested to know what storesyou are talking about.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Sadly, Violets in Ventura is closing in August. I am not at liberty to name the other stores until they come out and do so themselves.
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MOM & POP STORES! It's not just the stamp stores we are losing here! It's book stores and many more...
Hi Kelly! Have you tried: ?

Steve's brother, Brian, and his SO, Sheri, teach classes there... you should give it a try and throw around the "Giberson" name... ;)

BellaKarma said…
The whole scrapbookers vs. rubber stampers reminds me of knitters vs. crocheters. I call it the "Jets vs. Sharks" mentality. Don't they realize they are both pretty...oh so pretty?
Anonymous said…
oooh! the irvine fine arts center is a wonderful place. i've taken several classes there. i will keep my ears open for other locales, kelly. i'm sorry you are having to struggle with this.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks Kelly and everyone for the help and understanding.

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