Artwork from one of my favorite artists, Bill Koeb:

Bill Koeb sent me one of the nicest notes (made my day!). He's joined the world of Bloggers-yay!

Bill is one of those artists that when I see his work in something-I'll buy it (ya know, the way I am with artists like Barron Storey I'm on pins and needles waiting for the new B.Storey book, BTW!!!). ReMemory is still one of my favorite books. I remember squealing when I found a copy at Meltdown Comics. Then I remember the disappointment that followed for several months afterward when I would go to various comic book shops looking for more of Bill's work (or other artists) who would knock my socks off and not find anything at all so appealing (I'd dig through back issues and such looking for things-I did find more of Bill's work but it wasn't for a bit after I discovered ReMemory).

I was really really bad yesterday. I'm really quite pissed too that I bought the magazines that I mentioned (in yesterday's post) AND then bought the latest copy of Selvedge (it was to frickin' colorful to pass up....this is only the second issues I've ever bought) AND the new CD by Feist (B & Noble was playing it as I walked around and I needed it...). I am also eagerly awaiting my Amazon order of the latest Tori Amos CD and Patterns by D. Cole. I consider myself a patient person but I do hate waiting for amazon orders!!

Oh, so back to why I am mad that I spent a ton of money yesterday. On top of all that (skip the amazon stuff that was ordered last week), I have to spend $50 on ink for my new laser printer (the guy at Staples was right they don't put much ink in the cartridges when you buy it but it did last through over 500 to almost a 1000 copies, I think)...groceries. Laundry. The most expensive purchase of the day, came about 5:30 that night. I went to start sorting and folding the laundry. I put my knee down on the bed (like I always do) and was almost fully on the bed when I here "crack". Oh no. (I sleep on a futon so I always think anything that feels funky is just the frame of the bed). I pick up my son's PSP that he left (uncovered) on the bed. Oh shit. I turn it on and the screen looks like it's fine but when it lights up, it's "shattered". Oh shit. Now first off, part of this is his fault 'cause the kid leave the damn game on the floor, on the bed, wherever he leaves off with it. I flip out (of course). He's crying. I explain (nicely, as best that I can 'cause I can remember the silly things that I did as a kid and still do as an adult) that you have to take responsibility for things. I broke it but he left it where he shouldn't have left it. I figure that the damn thing cost my parents a fortune (it was a Christmas present) and that someone must fix it. After 10 minutes of google time, I find that Sony does fix them. A quick phone call and I discover that it's over $90 (with shipping) to fix it. *sigh* I pull out my credit card. Many apologies (from Tristan, and from me to him, as well) and a few chats (and little boy kisses) later, we have the PSP packed up and ready to be shipped out. Tristan will be paying for this -in chores and things around the house he's told me (LOL and I told him! Vacuuming tops the list this weekend).

What annoys me most (other then the fact that I broke it and that the boy has ignored countless requests to put it in a safe place) is the racket that these electronic companies have over us. The game was over $260, I think when it first came out and it costs $90 to fix it??!! (I was told by my brother in law that their idea of "fixing it" is to send a refurbished one in it's place...This is one of the (many) reasons I didn't want him to have a video game like this in the first place. Now you can guess that some time today will be spent looking for a special hard case to hold the game and his movies/games that come with it. *sigh*


I'm doing not one but THREE classes this weekend:
Paper Post in Agoura I have two (completely different collage classes: Composition/Design 101 and Reach For The Scissors)
A Little Bizaar in Lake Elsinore I am teaching my infamous Taped Journal class. I know it's Mother's Day but the class is a go and I'm looking forward to it!


Oh that is just awful about the psp - 90.00! Jeez. . .thank you for the reminder though. I really need to be more careful with mine as well.
Have a fabulous time at your classes - I am sure all your students will!
Yikes on the PSP! Ouch! We got my son a Leapster handheld for Christmas and I just keep waiting for him to break it...I just know it's gonna happen eventually...and I'll bet it'll cost about as much to fix as it costs to buy a brand new one. :(

Love the artist's work you shared! It's amazing!!!
Anonymous said…
ugh. my son spent half the time at his own baseball game last night watching another player's brother play one of these instead of actually watching the baseball game he was involved in. he kept begging me to buy him one. he's 7. i keep buying him books instead. bleh. $90 just to fix it. ackk! hard case sounds like a very good idea.
Kelly Kilmer said…
OMG, if you can refrain from buying a video game player, then do it. I wish I had just put my foot down (where it was) and had insisted that he didn't have one...
We got it back today (Wed). Pretty FAST turn around time. Sony sent us a refurbished one though. They didn't fix ours and send it back...lazy bastards. No wonder why it's $90.

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