Warning: Do not read if you do not want to run immediately to your nearest independent bookstore in search of new treasures to add to your book shelf.

OK. Don't say I didn't warn you.

For Wednesday, April 18th (though written at 11 p.m. Tuesday, April 17th. Don't ask. I'm just as confused as you are.)

Treasures, treasures, my books are amongst my favorite treasures:
I first discovered Viggo Mortensen's work amidst the photo books at Alias Books in West L.A. I had never seen his film work (still haven't though I do want to see the Cronenberg film since I love Cronenberg's work) believe it or not. I'll never forget last year (or the year before, I think it was) walking around the San Diego Comic Convention asking book vendors if they had any of Viggo's art books. They stared at me incredulously "The actor? Lord of the Rings?" "Yeah, though I've never seen LOTR." "WHAT?" "Oh for Crissakes, I just want his BOOKS. BOOKS. Art BOOKS." "NO! He's not published." *(snicker)* on my end. Any ways, the photos are neat and really really cool to look at but what I love are the journal page snippets and the collage paintings. Wow. I keep my eyes open for new books like this by Viggo. I liked the guy even more after his appearance on Charlie Rose with the infamous shirt. WTG Viggo! Damn. I wish more people would speak out and be heard. He pulled out Zinn's People's History to show Charlie Rose. Most awesome, indeed.

Oh crap. So I go to Perceval Press, and there a ton of books on sale. Check it out (sorry Dorit and Shosh). I ordered this one. Can't wait...soon I will be doing the happy mail day dance.

Another one of my "treasures": Lenore Tawney's Signs on the Wind. I bought this years ago at A Little Bizaar in Lake Elsinore. It was definetly one of those "I can't leave without *this*" type purchases. I can't tell you how many times I've looked at this. I should just keep it by my bed! Lots and lots of inspiration in this one. Each piece of paper or ephemera, carefully and perfectly arranged. Everything has a place on her postcards and she doesn't miss a beat at all. I adore this book and am always looking for other books with Ms. Tawney's work.

I'm debuting my Digging Deep Collage class tonight (Wednesday) at Stampin from the Heart in L.A. (310 391 0466). I've come up with some more new and unique collage ideas that I'm eager to share with you. I strive hard to offer something totally different in each and every class. It's never just ripping paper up and gluing it down...there's so much more to it then that.

Another debut class is Your Journal As Art at Violets in Ventura on Saturday (805 648 7610). It's a busy week but it will be reeling with creativity and fresh ideas...Yay!

Um, other then moth balls does anyone know how to get rid of an abundance of moths? I have NO idea where the hell they are coming from. They ate my bathrobe. Seriously. Little friggin' bastards. I didn't have a problem when they were eating my husband's t-shirts (he has an abundance of them-seriously)...then the little winged bastards started eating MY clothes. Ugh ugh. It's not uncommon to see me walking around my apartment with a sock in my hands these days to catch them and stick 'em outside. Tristan wants a bug vacuum...I'm seriously considering it.


Political Prisoner Mumia appeals for a new trial-this is a must read...



Elizabeth Metz said…
re: moths

Somewhere, in something wool(ish), you've probably got an infestation. :( You can freeze everything wool, then microwave it if it doesn't have any metal on it (buttons or zippers), and then freeze it again -- or you can try mothballs or lavendar/cedar oils.

Once you have the little buggers breeding in your clothes, though...they're *really* hard to get rid of and can be wholly destructive. :/
Elizabeth Metz said…
It's not the moths themselves that are destructive, by the way. It's the *larvae* that eat your clothes.

Dorit Elisha said…
Thanks for the warning Kelly, but you still owe me $37!!! I just received the book "Inspired" (which is awesome and inspiring indeed!).Not to mention previous purchases..
As for the moth - I only have the kind that comes in the cereal boxes, and I just "treat" them one by one after getting rid of the cereal.
ps: I gave in to the trend and started my own blog: life as a five ring circus (blogger).
Anonymous said…
If you are interested in collage-type art and like Viggo's stuff, you should check out Exene Cervenka's work. One of her art books is available at Perceval Press. Now is definitely the right time to get it. There's also a photography book on war, actually photos from the first gulf war, and she wrote the accompanying words.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Yeah, I linked the Cervenka book on this entry-LOL, it's the one that I "got into trouble with" (meaning I ordered it). I can't wait for it!! There are LOTS of books from Perceval that I would *love* to own *sigh*

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