Two more journal pages from Sunday's art spree:

It's hard to photograph the bird since he's metallic. I Love the little bird "stamp". I bought it several years ago from Kim Nickens at Anima Designs and have been hoarding it for years!

The black and white stripe is from a napkin. The number piece is from an old almanac.

Ohhhhhh so much to do but I've got the blinders on for now. Ugh ugh!


Unofficial Michael Palin Blog...I heart Michael Palin!!!!


I hope to be updating my etsy site with new goodies within the next week. Stay tuned for more info.


So, I forgot about my experience at Borders on Sunset last Friday. David, Tristan and I walk into the store (the end near the music/video department). Immediately we hear this voice singing LOUDLY. I think "Oh cool. Free concert." So I start to walk towards the kids' section and the art section (so Tristan and I can go our separate ways but I can still keep an eye on him and on who goes in/out of that section). As I start to walk, I realize where the music is coming from...a rather big burly (think Hagrid from Harry Potter) man standing by the CD player at Borders with the headphones on singing at the top of his lungs without a care in the world. It was awesome. He was happy (not sure the staff was). Made my day. We were in the store about 30 minutes or so...the man would sing every now and then. As we walked out he was still singing. Hmm...I like to think that he's still there (or maybe he went over to Amoeba) still happily singing away.


Oh, total proof that I *am* a geek. I was lying down yesterday reading Anne Lamott's Grace book (Happy Birthday, Anne). I was laughing. I was crying. In a nutshell though, I was (and am) Totally exhausted. SO back to the story-My husband is working on the computer and I can see what he's doing easily (he always calls it looking over his shoulder but it's kinda hard not to when the screen is right *there*. Any ways, I notice that he's on a blog. I see *really* pretty colors and what looks like cool images. So I sit up. "Ooohh pretty" I say. He starts laughing. I turn as pink as this page when I realize it's *my* blog. Duh. After all, I am a strawberry blonde.


"Ooooh pretty"... LMAO... that was priceless! :) At least you like what you do! :) By the by, you've been loading up some lovely stuff... man you have a lot of papers...!

Kelly Kilmer said…
Of course I have a lot of papers-after all, (said in a loud booming voice hands on hips) "I am the paper whore!" Well, that's what the guy at Pulp confirmed for me when I told him I was a paper whore...
Paper and books...bad bad addictions!

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