A rare two page spread that I did Monday:

The photos aren't the greatest as I deleted the first set I took (accidentally) and had to retake

these. I might try to fix them later on. The colors in "real life" are much more vibrant.

I have had those green dots for *years*. They're some kind of soda box label. Kinda scary the stuff you hold on to, huh?
Our printer conked out yesterday. Since I need it for classes and Tristan needs it for homework, we are running around trying to find one *now*. I am going to invest in a laser printer (not that I have the money but it will save me in the long run on color copies). I am thinking of either an Oki laser printer or Kinoka Minolta. The other good thing is that if I have my own laser printer, I can do my zine *finally* YAY! I am also thinking of offering prints of my work.

Lots of wheels turning in the ol' brain these days...

I'm not a big fan of paper green bills but I love what I saw on Jason Thompson's blog today you can see more here, too.


Why is the Bush administration refusing to extradite Luis Posada Carriles (who blew up a Cuban airliner killing over 70 people)???


Nawal El Saadawi on Democracy Now today.


Hundreds of thousands march in Iraq


Hunger strike at Guantanamo


Anonymous said…
Hey, Kelly. I have the Konika/Minolta printer and love it! It's definitely saved me money on copies - although my preferred pallet doesn't always scan well, hence I still have a color copy bill occasionally. What camera are you using? I commented to a friend of mine today that your colors always looks so good in your photos - whereas I *always* have to correct mine in photo shop. Have fun! I'm in PA this week at the quilt show I did my dolls and quilt for, but I still have net access and am checking out your blog!
Anonymous said…
Love your colourful collages, you must have papers saved up from every source. I love the look of those art money -I have never heard of this concept, but they are pretty.

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