Post #2 for Monday:
Scroll down for SWAP ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

OK. So not all of us can attend all of the many wonderful art retreats and events that are out there...sooooooooooo in the last few days I've been eyeing all of the wonderful goodies that people have been posting on their blogs. The squeaky wheels in my brain have been turning...In the spirit of Artful giving (and receiving), I thought it would be fun to host another swap! I'm gonna be a stickler for rules on this one though!! Here are my thoughts:

Please please please read all of these little "rules" before signing up...I'd really appreciate it!

1. Fill a 9 x 12" envelope (or larger-*nothing* smaller-and when I say FILL, I mean FILL. FILL means: FILL UP THE ENVELOPE-STUFF that puppy til it explodes. Fill does NOT mean five pieces of paper.) Then take this 9 x 12" envelope and DECORATE IT. ARTFULLY. I mean it! I want DECORATED envelopes.
(Actually, it might be easier to decorate the said envelope first *then* fill :))

(What do I want you to fill it with? Paper, Collage images, fabric scraps, vintage wall paper pieces, postcards, -things that you have been hoarding, things that you love, things that you cherish, things that *you* would want to receive...please stick with mostly paper (flat) ephemera. Makes life easier when it comes time to hit the P.O.
WHAT YOU GIVE WILL BE LIKE WHAT YOU RECEIVE. If you want "good" stuff, please send good stuff. If you send crap, that is what you will get back! PLEASE. Please take the time to make up an envelope of what *you* would like to receive. No junk please (no junk means: no labels from soup cans, no cat food boxes, no pieces of bed foam, no "freebie" paint chips-these are some of the things I've received in prior swaps I've hosted. I know that everyone has a different idea of what art supplies might be but let's keep this one like you're sending off a beautiful, art full package to a cherished friend. *please*)

2. Take this 9 x 12" beautifully, funkily, artfully decorated envelope and stick it in one of those tyvek envelopes that the Post Office uses. Address it to me.

3. Inside that 9 x 12" artsy envelope you MUST place a second Post Office Tyvek Envelope folded in half to fit WITH YOUR return address label
YOUR return address label AND $10 to cover return priority postage-Whatever it costs YOU to mail it to ME you must send me that same amount (at least enough for priority postage). I often have to shell out my own $$ so PLEASE send enough postage. I really *really* appreciate it. You never know what you receive back may be more then what you sent!!

4. What you will receive: I will in turn then open up the envelopes, swap "like for like" between participants. I will then take your beautifully artfully decorated envelope that is filled with goodies, place it inside someone else's return tyvek envelope and ship it to person "X". I will then take someone else's beautifully artfully decorated envelope that is filled with goodies and place it inside YOUR return tyvek envelope and ship it to YOU.

5. Deadline? Hmm...let's say in my hands by May 10th. That gives you a month to play. A whole month!!! I want them *in* my hands though on or before May 10th. Please!! I've had too many stragglers in the past. Please if you sign up, please follow through. Makes my life a whole lot easier :)

6. To sign up, drop me an email

Thanks!!! :) Kelly


Fiona said…
Oh yes please. I've been quietly stalking your blog and enjoying all the journals and marvelling a the stash of collage images ( must buy more magazins...)I would love to join in. International players OK? I can get hold of dollars from our PO for return postage.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Yes! All are welcome, just drop me a note :)
as long as there is enough return postage, that's fine by me!! :)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hey Rosie! Drop me an email at so I can send you the specifics on the swap :) THANKS!! K
Anonymous said…
sign me up!
Anonymous said…
This sounds like a wonderful swap, great idea.

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