Pattern. Color. Texture. Design. New ideas. Yum.

This arrived in the mail today. I have been eyeing it for months. I finally broke down ('cause I couldn't find it *anywhere* in my travels) and bought it used on amazon.

There is also a U.K. version available (nooooooooo, I didn't buy that since most U.K. and U.S. books only vary a *wee bit*):
This is the new one that comes out May 3rd! Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!

I have lots of books like the above ones on color, texture, pattern, design, etc... It's hard to pick a favorite... These are the kind of books that I turn to when I need inspiration-a little kick in the pants. A boot on over to the art table (or art floor as I am now calling it since my art table is too cluttered and I REALLY need to clean it) does one's soul good for the day!

Picked up my copy of Grace Eventually again last night by Anne Lamott. I didn't take it with me to Boston (I brought a slew of art books with me instead). If you're ever looking for a belly laugh, pick up an Anne Lamott book. That woman is amazing. While I don't agree with everything she says, but oh how much I can identify with can be scary at times. At 12:30 last night I was in hysterics reading her book. I'm slowly savouring this one as I know it will be a long time between now and "the next one". I keep hoping that
Audrey Niffenegger will come out with another tome sometime soon, as well.

I am off today (amazing, ain't it?) and tomorrow (Yowzers-I never get a weekend off!!!). I am hoping today to get some things packed up to take to the P.O. on Monday (samples for the stores). I do need to go to the grocery store (ugh-I detest doing that on a weekend)...Oh, and I do need to do my taxes. Double ugh ugh. But the only thing I want to go do right now (while I"m still in my pjs) is to go park my rear on the floor and make something. Cut and paste and paint and scribble and draw and relish life in the moment-the here and now- is what I do best.


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