P.S.A. or My Two Cents advice for the day...

"Good News" my ***...

Any kind of mail that looks like crap is almost always 100% crap. If you get a yellow card in the mail from a company in Clearwater, FL-rip it up and throw it away. It says "Good News" on it. Do NOT call the number. Do NOT give them any info-NONE.

Out of curiosity (as I am not one to answer to any telemarketer or crap like that), I googled the postcard info today and found this website and the various responses on it. I just signed up for (and received) a new credit card about a month ago...fromone of the companies that is mentioned on the website so it looks like (as usual) they are selling MY address and MY info for $. If you get this postcard, RIP IT UP and throw it in the recycling bin. FYI. Save yourself the hassle.


Anonymous said…
Ok - so how many people out there read all the snail mail spam? I toss this stuff right in the trash.
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL, I usually do too but this one I had to look up out of curiosity-who the hell was this company and how did they find out my info?? (I can usually tell where the crap I receive comes from...but this one I was clueless on). Amazing the people that fall for this...
I just can't believe how many trees are downed for all of the crap that is out there!!!

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