My Books Came Saturday:

I'm still not 100% sure yet if I am going to keep either of them though, at this point. See, this is why we need to keep our local bookstores in business. What happens is you have a mega giant bookstore move in, knock out the local competition and then tell you "No. We are not ordering books for customers anymore unless you have them shipped directly to your home." "HUH?"
I'm not 100% happy with either book. The art in both are cool. The Tord Boontje book is neat in presentation and has several cool pages but not enough for me to want to pay $47 for it, let alone $75 (full price). The Acrylic Revolution is also the same-neat with lots of techniques, but in all honesty, I've been playing with acrylics almost daily for 8 years now (and teaching the stuff on the weekends!) there's nothing "new" in here for me. (That's not meant to sound snobbish or whatever, but it is true. You guys know how many classes I have and how many things we've done with acrylics and acrylic mediums...)

I don't like posting "negative" reviews and while both books are cool for someone, they're not enough to warrant space on my bookshelf or money that I could spend on other books...

UPDATE: If anyone is interested in the Tord Boontje book, I'll sell it for what I paid for it and I will pay for the shipping...(The Acrylic book, however, is already spoken for)...Trades might be doable to me ;)

Update 5/10/07: I sent the Tord Boontje book back today...

This one, however, is quite the keeper:

I just need to find out why it's missing the stickers that are supposed to be inside (LOL I sound like a 8 year old).


Remembering those who fought in the Spanish Civil War...Remembering the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Harry Belafonte on the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
