May Day 2007

(Workers hands found on Google Images)

May 1st

May Day!

Happy International Workers Day!!

The Origins of May Day here
and here and here

In 2007 still fighting for workers rights, basic rights here and here.

May 1st, 2007

No work!
No buying anything (no groceries, no gas, no shopping!)!
Keep your money in your pocket!
Wear white if you have it!

This is what I wrote last year and I feel the same exact way a whole year later:

I'm showing support for all of the working people in this country. There are too many anti immigrant, anti hard working people laws that are trying to be passed in this country. This country was founded on immigrants. Unless you are one of the indigenous people, the Native Americans, then we are ALL immigrants.

Anyone read what is at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty lately?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

I guess those are words that many seem to have forgotten lately.



~jolene said…
Right On!
BellaKarma said…
As a Latina-trapped-in-a-white-girls-body ~ your thoughts on this means so much to me!