Las Vegas, here I come...

Text as Art

Hip to Be Square (two needle coptic stitch)

More Than Words: The Art of Collage

Off The Wall: More Collage and mixed media techniques

Wonderful World of Color Theory (Fun, Easy and chock full of ideas and inspiration-you WILL learn how to use color!)
I will be in Las Vegas May 4-6th at Las Vegas Art Stamps teaching FIVE classes. I am really looking forward to it as I haven't been to Las Vegas for a while and it will be a lot of fun!!! It seems like my whole family is trekking out with me-Tristan, My Mom, My Sister and my Brother in Law so the drive to and from will be a little squishy squishy but I am looking forward to it. After all, it is VEGAS. (LOL I'm not a gambler, a drinker or interested in any of the current shows but I do like to "people watch"...and I'm really looking forward to teaching at a new store!!)
(You can click on each of the photos and the links will take you directly to the store for class info and even MORE photos of the samples. The actual samples are IN the store. Thanks!)
If you know of anyone who may be interested, please pass along the info! Thanks!!!
Vivaaaaaaaaaaaa Las Vegassssssssssssssssssssss
Text as Art

Hip to Be Square (two needle coptic stitch)
More Than Words: The Art of Collage
Off The Wall: More Collage and mixed media techniques
Wonderful World of Color Theory (Fun, Easy and chock full of ideas and inspiration-you WILL learn how to use color!)
I will be in Las Vegas May 4-6th at Las Vegas Art Stamps teaching FIVE classes. I am really looking forward to it as I haven't been to Las Vegas for a while and it will be a lot of fun!!! It seems like my whole family is trekking out with me-Tristan, My Mom, My Sister and my Brother in Law so the drive to and from will be a little squishy squishy but I am looking forward to it. After all, it is VEGAS. (LOL I'm not a gambler, a drinker or interested in any of the current shows but I do like to "people watch"...and I'm really looking forward to teaching at a new store!!)
(You can click on each of the photos and the links will take you directly to the store for class info and even MORE photos of the samples. The actual samples are IN the store. Thanks!)
If you know of anyone who may be interested, please pass along the info! Thanks!!!
Vivaaaaaaaaaaaa Las Vegassssssssssssssssssssss
The journal, under Text as Art (which I read pre-caffeinated as "Texas Art), is that a beaded wire handle affixed to it? Whatever it is made of, it looks cool. :)
P.S. You do have my permission to spend the class $$ on art stuff, though! (grin)
Hi Jill,
It's just ribbons and stuff threaded through the binding :) Thanks for the kind words!!