And now for something completely different, My Latest Class "Your Journal As Art"

This puppy is BIG. Over 10 x 13" with various size pages as you go:

LOTS Of layering with paint, collage, doodling, and more in this class:

I was using this baby on the airplane and having a lot of fun with it (got some interesting looks too):

I'll be debuting this class at Violets in Ventura (805 648 7610) on Saturday, April 21st. I"m mailing them this sample by Monday so that they'll have it in the store by the middle of next week.

This is just one of the many things I've been up to...More to come soon. I'm laying low at the moment and trying to get back to "normal" life. Things have been crazy between traveling and teaching the last couple of weeks. I spent Thursday in my pajamas and was quite happy about it, too!


I just wanted to ask you all to keep John Gaughen and his family in your prayers today. His brother Andrew wrote a glowing tribute to him for (scroll down to April 2, 2007).
I only met John once (at my sister's wedding in October). You could easily pick the Gaughen men out-the three (John, Andrew and Marc) definetly look (and act) like brothers. John gave one of the most beautiful and moving toasts to my sister and her new husband, Marc that night. My husband and I have talked about it several times-it's something we'll never forget. If you could take time out of your holiday weekend to keep John and his family in your prayers, I'd appreciate it. Take the time to read Andrew's glows and shines just as John did to his family.

In the news:

Of course things would be "safe" if you were surrounded by over 150 machine gun toting soldiers, 20 humvees, etc...


Take me out to the ballgame....


Poverty on the rise in GB.


Remembering MLK-the years they don't talk about.


Beyond Vietnam-still applicable 40 years later.


Where are all of the honeybees going?


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