Ah crap, it's gone from total famine to insane, gluttonous feast:

Or this post could also be titled: Confessions of a Book Whore...

Tord Boontje- like "Want more info" on first but from the website-WOW. Pretty pretty shiny shiny, as Tristan would say. Any ways, I love the patterns and the colors-yum.

Violets in Ventura (805 648 7610) had already sold out of this one before I walked into the store, but one of my students (the amazingly talented, Lorraine) had her copy of it yesterday. WOW. I didn't read it but I loved the eye candy...and ya know, I'm a sucker for eye candy. Maybe one of these days I'll write the book I've been itching to write on acrylics...maybe...

This is one I haven't seen "in hand" either yet but it does look interesting. I do have Drusilla's other book, 1000 Patterns and it is amazing eye candy. According to Chronicle, it comes out Thursday though Amazon has the release date of May (FYI, Chronicle is usually right and they know when their books come out LOL).

Sorry if you're licking the screen and drooling right now. I know I am as I look to my right "books" and to my left "More books", a little to the right "even more books". If there's ever a really big Earthquake, someone come dig me out, please.

Oh, don't tell the husband but I broke down (I couldn't help myself) and ordered 2 of the books. I'll letcha know what happens when they come. (Oh, and the "don't tell the husband part" really doesn't matter. He reads this any ways. *Mwah* honey!)


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