Two new journal pages from last night:The above quote is from Eisenhower: "Every gun that is made, every warship that is launched, every rocket fired signifies a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."
The above are lyrics from Bob Dylan's Masters of War

I'm not exactly 100% happy with the Masters of War page. One of my pens acted a little funky and so I took advantage of the "blob" of the pen to have it "run" down the page. I repeated the "blob" and the "running of the ink" a few times. Now it just looks messy on all of the vibrant colors. I will go back to it another time OR I will just leave it alone. It says what I want it to say. Process, baby, process! I have plenty more pages to work in...and LOTS more to say.

Thanks to those of you that responded to my post from yesterday. I really appreciate it. I am still looking for ideas, so would welcome them with open arms.

I'm spending today getting ready for my classes this weekend at Stampers Warehouse in Danville, CA and the following weekend I"ll be at The Stamp Act in Marshfield, MA.Busy busy but FUN fun!!! I'm looking forward to it...

Al Gore and the 2000 election.

What the news doesn't tell you about Rachel Corrie and Palestine.

The real cost of the War.

The best "documentary" I've ever seen on Global Warming, something most have never heard of Global Dimming.


Beautiful as usual Kelly! I enjoy your blog everyday, thanks for posting so much art lately, you inspire me. I am disappointed however, everytime I check your teaching schedule at A Little Bizaar I have conflicts, April I will be at Disneyland with my visiting granddaughter, In May I am in your Taped Journal class at AU already anyway! Darn one of these days!
Anastasia said…
love your work Kelly!! beautiful collage!
some great links there - will check them out!
Shelly Atkinson said…
Love your post...and the child with writing on the arm...very very nice...what type of pen did you use that is white?

Kelly Kilmer said…
I knew I forgot to answer something-sorry about that SHelly!
The pen I used on the boy's arms is a Sharpie Poster Paint (waterbased) in white, extra fine tip...

Hey ARt after Midnight, Maybe I'll go to Disneyland with you guys that day -we'll just have our class there instead (ha!!!)