Two more pages that I did last night:The above quote is Adrienne Rich Of Woman Born: "We need to imagine a world in which every woman is the presiding genius of her own body. In such a world, women will truly create life, bring forth not only children (if we choose) but the visions and the thinking necessary to sustain, console, and alter human existence-a new relationship to the universe. Sexuality, politics, intelligence, power, motherhood, work, community, intimacy, will develop new meanings ; thinking itself will be transformed."

The above quote is from Abbey Lincoln: "We are the women whose hair is impulsively fried, whose skin is bleached, whose is "too big", whose feet are "too big and flat", whose face is "too black and shiny", and whose suffering and patience is too long and enduring to be believed..."


In all honesty, I'm not entirely 100% happy with them. I wanted to create pages celebrating Women. I was too upset reading this story and this story and this story and this story
though to fully devote my attention to the pages last night. Why why why do we allow the media to get away with the crap that they call "news" instead of focusing on the needs of people? Why do children (and adults and pets) have to die because people are forced to choose between paying their rent and paying their heating bill? Why are people forced to use space heaters and candles when the landlord should be doing what they are paid to do! Why why why do we allow people to suffer every single day in every part of the world? Why?

Shame on Michael Bloomberg! That bastard is a billionaire and he is blaming the fire and the deaths on the family. Shame on landlords who don't check on the upkeep of their buildings and regularly maintain them. Shame on the rich for blaming the poor. Shame on the utility companies for cutting off services in freezing temperatures. Shame on us for not speaking out loud enough and often enough.


beth said…
Jumping for joy here....I won...yippee !!!!

Thanks so much for your contest, Kelly...loved it !!!!

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